Home » today » World » Glas says he was tortured during detention – 2024-04-16 22:48:06

Glas says he was tortured during detention – 2024-04-16 22:48:06

The former vice president of the Republic Jorge Glas, upon arriving at the maximum security prison of La Roca, near Guayaquil, on April 6, 2024.

Jorge Glas He assured this Thursday that he was a victim of torture during his detention last Friday inside the Mexican Embassy in Quitoassaulted by the Ecuadorian Police after the Mexican Government had granted him asylum.

In his first public intervention since he was arrested, Glas detailed the details of his capture in the judicial hearing that evaluates the habeas corpus appeal presented by the former vice president’s defense to request that his detention be annulled and that the Ecuadorian State hand him over to Mexico. or to a third country that also respects the asylum granted.

Glas, who appeared at the hearing by videoconference from The rockthe maximum security prison in Ecuador, reported having allegedly received a beating in which he also claims that two fingers on his hands were dislocated and then put back in place.

With a disheveled appearance, and on hunger strike according to his lawyer Sonia VeraGlas reported that the police found him inside the Mexican diplomatic headquarters after having subdued his chief in charge, Roberto Cansecofor whom he requested a decoration from the Mexican Government.

«I open the door, they put the flashlights in my face and they push the rifles at me. I fall in my seat and they start yelling at me. “I was in my pajamas and I just said let me get dressed and get my medicine.”said Glas, who also demanded not to be handcuffed.

«It wasn’t enough for them to throw me against the wall, hit my head against the wall and start kicking and kneeing me in the hips. “They threw me to the floor, they jumped on me, they stepped on my neck and kicked me in the ribs.”he added.

The former vice president indicated that “one of the guys masked in black, who said he was the leader (of the operation)” dislocated his finger after telling him that it was so that he would remember him.

Torture methods

“They handcuffed me and I was hanging with my hands behind me, in a clear torture position,” said Glas, who also stated that “the torture method was being broadcast live.”

«Who would have been on the other side? (Perhaps) the commander of the Police, probably with the toast, or perhaps the president. Until that is proven, I prefer to think that it is a lie, because it embarrasses me as an Ecuadorian.he added.

Glas pointed out that they carried him handcuffed with his arms behind him to cause more damage and take him “as a war trophy.”

In the vehicle that took him to the Quito Flagrant Unit, the former vice president said that the police “were a fanfare inside.” “I was lying on the floor with a boot on my neck, with my entire body turned and hands behind me, and they took me down in flagrante delicto in the same way,” he added.

Glas considers himself politically persecuted

For Glas, the asylum granted to him by the Government of the Mexican president Andrés Manuel López Obrador It is “recognition as a politically persecuted person,” a title that the former vice president maintains to claim his innocence in the face of the criminal proceedings and convictions against him.

Before the López Obrador administration granted him asylum, Glas had an arrest warrant for his return to prison in the case of the reconstruction of the province of Manabithe most affected by the 2016 earthquake, where he is accused of alleged embezzlement (embezzlement of public funds).

Likewise, he had yet to return to prison to finish serving an eight-year prison sentence for two convictions for bribery and illicit association, the last of them in the framework of the Odebrecht case that he seeks to reverse after they have been annulled as evidence in Brazil. the computer system with the nicknames of bribe takers.

«Sooner rather than later justice will be done in this. I ask that (my detention) be returned to the previous state. I have been imprisoned three times in prison. Stop”said Glas, who was already in jail between 2017 and 2022, and who was released under a controversial judicial resolution of precautionary measures. EFE (I)

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