Home » today » News » Give the Victory Crimea – Kommersant Newspaper No. 49 (6770) on 03/19/2020

Give the Victory Crimea – Kommersant Newspaper No. 49 (6770) on 03/19/2020

On March 18, the Russian president flew to Sevastopol to mark the sixth anniversary of the reunification of Crimea with Russia, and as usual he met with the public, with whom he discussed primarily the coronavirus and the Constitution (they now don’t go without each other). Special correspondent of Kommersant Andrey Kolesnikov He believes that the president made it clear: he really wants to vote on it on April 22nd, moreover, with the use of all special means.

The initial program of Vladimir Putin in Crimea narrowed in reality from two days to one in Sevastopol (on March 19, for example, a meeting was expected with the chief editors near Yalta, in the Mriya boarding house), but the awarding ceremony for the builders of the Crimean Bridge, for example, held steady, although it was moved from one place to another.

Vladimir Putin suddenly began to actively guard against the coronavirus. That is, back in Ivanovo, let’s say, he approached people in the crowd with pleasure, hugged and even kissed Ivanov’s grandmothers. Now everything is wrong.

Everyone who surrounds him, forming not only a close circle, but also an openly distant circle (for example, journalists from the Kremlin pool) undergo tests for coronavirus.

Those who simply have to say hello once, receiving a reward from his hands – also, of course. And they, according to Kommersant, did it.

The most notable figure who received a state award, namely the star of Hero of Labor, was, without a doubt, Arkady Rotenberg, who gathered his strength (and he, apparently, needed it) and said that he was grateful to God that he managed to touch such a project , and “that everyone said that the project was not feasible, and he (the president.— A. K.) entrusted it to us, and we justified this trust ”, and what he had been going to say for a long time, he was looking for a reason for a long time and finally found it – and said:

– I serve Russia and our president Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin!

It seems that no one else in this situation was so frank.

And Vladimir Putin, frankly, did not hide his feelings:

– I then told him (Arkady Rotenberg.— A. K.): “Do you have any property abroad, assets?”

The question was rhetorical:

– He says: “Well, I’m doing business … There is something …” I say: “You know, you can lose it …” said Vladimir Putin. “The answer was very good:“ Let them choke! ”

However, we still don’t know whether this happened or not.

At a meeting with the public of Sevastopol, it was worth paying attention to the fact that Vladimir Putin was clearly far from his people: that is, the semicircle of chairs in the center of which he was sitting was moved about thirty meters from the president’s chair. It was striking: usually the atmosphere of special trust was created precisely with the help of this simple technical device: it seemed that the public could even touch their president if she needed to be convinced of something.

Now this has been ruled out. It could even be said with some exaggeration that Mr. Putin abides by the regime of self-isolation.

The President congratulated those present on the sixth anniversary of the signing of the agreement on the reunification of Crimea and Sevastopol with Russia (mass events on this subject were canceled, so these words were spoken here).

“People then made an informed choice,” he said, “and so bright that attempts to cast doubt on him simply cause a dumbfirst, and then a grin.” I think that those who try to do this, even themselves understand the absurdity of all attempts of this kind.

However, there were people who did not need to be convinced of this.

He, of course, was asked about constitutional amendments.

– Unfortunately, some citizens who have received Russian passports (in Crimea .— A. K.), completely deprived of the memory of their ancestors, which is mentioned in the amendments to the Constitution! – said one of the representatives of the public. – This is an amendment that prescribes the rules for appointing Russian citizens to leading federal posts. Where it is said that these should be citizens living in the country, not having a second citizenship, not having a residence permit … The fact is that Sevastopol and Crimea were for many years part of Ukraine and had this same Ukrainian citizenship. Hence the question: can residents of Sevastopol and Crimea be appointed to leading federal posts or not?

“There are people who want to play on the feelings of Crimeans and say that they are not quite citizens of Russia if they are not allowed something … But this is an attempt with unsuitable means …” the president reassured them. “If you carefully read the text … I don’t remember which article … The 81st, it seems … That from it it will become clear that for the Crimeans it was done, and, excluded!

Vladimir Putin took advantage of the opportunity that he was kindly given to tell us that after the amendments, the inhabitants of Crimea will remain completely Russian citizens.

– The fundamental foundations remain unchanged! We do not change the Constitution! We only make additions there! The 1st, 2nd, 9th chapters do not change … Where are the basic rights of citizens reflected! But life is going on … Society is changing, it is becoming more mature, demanding, the possibilities of the state are increasing … There is an opportunity to fix some things related to ensuring the rights of citizens … (including his own right to be elected for a new term .— A. K.) And if we can, then we must do it! – exclaimed the president.

It was also very frank.

Several times the president returned to the problem of coronavirus. He urged us not to treat her the way we love and, most importantly, know how …

– Despite the fact that the situation in the world and in Asia is not calming down … The Chinese are well done, they have worked very well, but there are Asian countries where it is not so good … But our people travel everywhere! – exclaimed Vladimir Putin. – Here! A lot! Someone had plans, bought tickets, tickets … Someone built their plans in such a way that either now or never (that is, they bought, apparently, irrevocable tickets … – A. K.) … Someone underestimated … I did not know that these or those countries would close their borders … We, of course, will do our utmost to help people … Return home … We must help each other! .. And there should not be any slackness! This famous Russian “maybe!” it is absolutely unsuitable here, it must be put aside and show maximum responsibility and discipline.

In addition, Vladimir Putin, by all indications, was struck by the question that water is approaching the historical monuments of Chersonesos (over the past thousand years, as was noted later, by 150-200 meters):

– The origin of both faith and the Russian people … And not only the Russian, but also the Ukrainian … – after a pause, he considered it necessary to make a reservation, – and later the Belarusian happened here. Therefore, this place is to some extent sacred to us. After Vladimir was baptized here, as he baptized his retinue, the baptism of all Russia began! According to historians, on a combination of factors – the power of the prince, a single market, a single language … They were joined by a single faith! This rallied the fragmented Slavic tribes living in this territory into a single people. And the Russian people began to take shape!

It seemed that Vladimir Putin liked to tease neighbors who were already so teased (all the more so since Chersonesus was purely their property six years ago, Ukrainian statehood flowed from here in the same way as the Russian state flows now).

– Until the 13th century, Ukrainians … Well, those people who now consider themselves Ukrainians and are such … And all who lived in the Moscow kingdom, and who lived in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, that is, in Poland … All the Orthodox were called Russian only! And there was no difference even in language! Only since the end of the XIII century, as a result of rinsing, do elements of discrepancies in the language appear!

In the end, Vladimir Putin promised to work on strengthening the coastline of Chersonesos: everything turned out to be too serious here.

“We are all ready to come and support the new Constitution,” another representative of the public said, and there was some depravity in this message: Mr Putin, on the contrary, insists that this Constitution is not new, but updated.

She continued, with a calm heart, stated that now, after one amendment, “this is a resolved issue.”

“But there is,” she admitted, “one problem: the coronavirus epidemic.”

Only it, in all likelihood, can still affect the adoption of the amendment on the impossibility of tearing away territories.

“In Russia, quarantine measures are being taken, but will coronavirus not affect the conduct of voting and is it possible to conduct voting, for example, on the Internet site … State Services? ..,” she asked.

“We will act within the framework of the law,” the president said (was it otherwise? – A. K.) Well, you see, in France, if the coronavirus is not rampant, then the plight is incomparable with Russia … Compared to France, we have nothing! .. (coronavirus, not something else .— A. K.) A serious situation, and still they did not refuse to hold elections! If the situation is unfavorable from an epidemiological point of view, we will postpone and postpone the voting period. The law allows you to do this. We will carry it out at a later date. But if the situation allows, we will carry out.

Still, he really wants the situation to allow. Perhaps he wants even more than to postpone the celebration of Victory Day on May 9 in Moscow.

“But we will carry out, of course, in compliance with all the precautions that in such cases should be applied at the polling stations, using all means of protection … This is due to the distance … It’s like they do in France … These voting booths are moved there for a certain distance … A lot of little things, but they are important in this case … Voting at home can be done …

Meanwhile, the president outlined the voting scheme in great detail. Apparently, this is how it will be if the coronavirus does not become quite mad and uncontrollable. Moreover, the discussion does not seem to be about electronic voting – unlike large-scale voting at home, for which there can be no doubt, one can immediately begin to make excuses to independent observers who will not be there at home.

However, judging by the latest events, no one can justify himself in his thoughts for anything.

He finished, thanked for the question and suddenly added:

– We do not accept the new Constitution. We adopt the law on amendments to the current one.

That is, not even updated. They don’t need someone else’s.

– But it is so! By the way! – the president concluded cheerfully.

But that was not by the way. Vladimir Putin, it seems, still convinces, including himself, of the fact that more than two hundred amendments leave the country the Constitution that it had.

Later, answering the question why the social part of the amendments could not be carried out simply through the law, Vladimir Putin fervently argued that yes, the minimum wage could not be lower than the subsistence level and that “we need to regularly index pensions … But this was not done before … And if such a norm is set forth in the Basic Law, then no law of a different nature can cancel the direct effect of the Constitution! .. Such a trick will already be impossible … It will be impossible to adopt a budget law and say that the operation of such an article of the Constitution will be suspended. It’s simply impossible by definition! ”

Finally, he was asked, “Can Sevastopol become the patriotic capital of Russia.”

“In fact,” he reassured, “and is!”

But did Vladivostok start to get nervous?

And the master “in power martial arts and tugging from place to place of weight”, who, together with his comrade just dragged ten centimeters of the railway train, the president asked: “Do not drag the Crimean bridge anywhere!”

– And the last: you have to be, not seem! – suddenly the strong man told him (himself promising to be).

Vladimir Putin nodded.

Why, he understood.

– .

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