Home » today » Health » Give me strength, from Riudoms, donates 10,000 euros for the fight against breast cancer

Give me strength, from Riudoms, donates 10,000 euros for the fight against breast cancer

The act of delivery of the money collected to VHIO was also a tribute to Elvira Mas, former president of the entity

The non-profit association Em dones força, created by a group of friends from Riudoms to raise funds for cancer research, has donated €10,000 for research against triple negative breast cancer at VHIO.

The money will go to the project’Recruiting ERβ in the fight against triple negative breast cancer’ led by the Dra. Meritxell Bellet, medical oncologist and researcher Breast Cancer Group of the VHIO.

This project was born thanks to an initial donation of €10,000 made by this association last year and at the moment it is in the phase of fine-tuning the best technique to identify the joint expression of both types of receptors.

The Drag. Bellet was the oncologist Elvira More , one of the promoters of the association, of which she was also president, and who died of breast cancer. For this reason, the act in which the collection obtained by the association was officially handed over to VHIO became a tribute to Elvira .

About fifty people, including the husband of Elvira More as well as relatives and many residents of Riudoms who are part of the association, attended the event.

One of the most emotional moments occurred when Ona Terol, 6 years old, read a speech in which she explained how cancer has affected her family and friends (Ona lost Marina, one of her friends, when she was 4 years old) , what do the Em dones força association do and how would you like all patients to be cured of this disease thanks to research.

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