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“Giuseppe, we are short …”. What’s behind the turncoat vote in extremis

Maybe yes maybe no. Then comes the confirmation: to the 154 votes of confidence must also be added those of Lello Ciampolillo and of Riccardo Nencini. Both were convinced at the last second, so much so that chaos broke out: President Casellati was about to declare the vote closed and it was necessary to resort to Where to validate the two preferences. So the “yeses” become 156, however lower than the absolute majority threshold set at 161. Now different scenarios open up following yesterday’s vote in the Senate, with Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte who could go up to Colle today to inform the head of state Mattarella on the evolution of the government crisis.

Behind the ok of Ciampolillo and Nencini, however, there is a “market“of senators went on until the very last useful moment. The results, however, were not those hoped for by the Giallorossi: although the prime minister made an open appeal to the popular, pro-European, anti-sovereign and socialist forces, there was no a real fleet of responsible. For the moment, therefore, there are not those “builders” so desired by Giuseppi, who will now have 2 weeks to rely on a group capable of guaranteeing him numerical stability. “Giuseppe, we are short, between 154 and 156“, they pointed out to him during the excited moments. Yes, you understood correctly: they risked not even reaching the” psychological “threshold of 155 yes.

Will Ciampolillo and Nencini have offered something? Apparently not, at least according to their versions. The first claimed that his vote it is in the interest of all the voters and of our beautiful nation that it must get up as soon as possible“. The second assured that he voted for the trust only because”convinced byopening of Conte to the liberal, popular and socialist forces, a useful house to support the government, I had decided for a while“.

Negotiations in the building

As reported by the Corriere della Sera, the desperate negotiations would have been entrusted to the Minister for Relations with Parliament. “The minister From here he is taking them one by one“, is the confession that is made. The grillino would have tried to convince the former 5-star Mario Michele Giarrusso, who in the end, however, gave a sharp” no “to Conte. The building seemed to have become the seat of the last day of transfer market. “They are doing it crap“, Maurizio Gasparri of Forza Italia vents. And to all this is added the hope of Rocco Casalino, spokesman for the premier, agitated and anxious: “Whataa? 158? Oh my, it would be a dream … We hope to convince everyone“.

It seems obvious to those who have voted their confidence in the premier, something must be given. On the table are the Ministries of Agriculture and the Family and the Undersecretary for Foreign Affairs. “Conte doesn’t promise places, he plays fair“, assure her. Yet Luigi Cesaro appears from a corner and exclaims with conviction: “For my vote, and for the votes of two other senator friends I control, they offered me a Ministry“. The Forza Italia senator, however, resisted the flattery and did not bow to the advances of the Giallorossi.”Guagliò, I keep all the evidence ncopp ‘o’ cell phone …“, he assured.

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