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Giuseppe Gavazzi, actor in Il commissario Ricciardi died

The actor from Campania passed away today, 21 March 2021 Giuseppe Gavazzi. The director made the announcement Alessandro D’Alatri, with whom the interpreter had worked in the fiction “Commissioner Ricciardi“, in which he played the role of the sacristan of the orphanage in the fourth episode of the Rai product, in the episode called” The day of the dead “. D’Alatri writes on his Facebook profile:”Sad news. Wonderful person and splendid actor “.

He had also acted in The Brilliant Friend

Mainly theater actor, where he made his debut in his youth, performing with a text taken from the works of Jean Paul Satre, Giuseppe Gavazzi had also taken part in several television productions during his career. The last in which we saw him, in fact, was the transposition of the novels by Maurizio De Giovanni, but recently he had also played roles in “The brilliant friend“. Among the other films in which he had taken part, always in the Neapolitan context, there is also”The tenderness“by Gianni Amelio in 2017. Actor, but also author and theater director, Gavazzi was originally from Portici, but had lived for years in Sant’Anastasia, near Naples.

The character in Il commissario Ricciardi

His character, the sexton Nanni, rather ambiguous, almost obscure, who seems to hide some vices, although it is discovered in the course of the fiction that he too has a difficult past behind him, the son of a mother who had been able to keep him. In reality, his only fault was that of being a poor man and driven by misery, he had accepted gifts in exchange for some favors. In an interview with a local newspaper, the actor said: “In my work as an actor I try to temporarily put myself in the shoes of the characters I have to play, living them with sincerity and respecting them. More than acting, that is to pretend, my intent is
to be”.

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