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Giuseppe Conte and M5S Resignations Spark Political Shake-Up in Bari and Puglia

Giuseppe Conte tears. After the judicial earthquake that involved Bari and beyond, with the arrest in the last hours with his brother Enzo of Alfonso Pisicchio, commissioner of the Arts (Regional Technology Agency) and former councilor in the Municipality and then in the Region, the leader of the M5S arrives in the Apulian capital and announces in a press conference: “We are leaving our positions in the council, we are giving up all the delegations. We are giving up our positions in order to change things”. Rosa Barone resigns from the Welfare department, Cristian Casili leaves the chair of vice-president of the Regional Council, Grazia Di Bari gives up her delegation to Culture and the councilors leave the majority. Conte explains the choice thus in front of the microphones: “We are reading political pages that are also judicial news that make our wrists tremble. We do not give discounts to Giorgia Meloni and associates and to the forces that operate within our political field. We want to give an absolute shock, it’s time to clean up, clean the slate. Today we see the weeds of bad politics spreading here in Bari. The gray area is extending and, when this is there, there can’t be the M5S.”

Read also: Puglia, the M5S gives the PD a thumbs up: “Let’s get out of the Emiliano junta”

The president of the Movement then launches the idea of ​​a Pact for legality to say no to ‘unpresentable’ candidates, ask for more transparency and zero conflicts of interest, which he immediately hands over to Michele Emiliano. “The regional administration – assures the governor – has been aligned since day one against any form of malfeasance, against the mafias, always ready to report irregularities, to transmit news of any opaque situation to the Prosecutor’s Office, and is constant in taking the form of a civil party in trials “. And then again: “Conte’s words on the subject of legality are consistent with what we have always been and still are. They correspond to the values ​​that have inspired my entire life within the institutions. The Democratic Party, with Elly Schlein in mind, work tirelessly to practice these principles.” The Democratic secretary makes known her “strong irritation” at the legal events that have emerged in recent days. Schlein asks “maximum rigor and concrete actions from the Apulian Democratic Party which is already working on it, and from President Michele Emiliano to open a clear change of phase in Puglia”. Already in recent days in Bari Schlein had said that “we need to keep quick-change artists and wrong interests away, and that respect is needed for the democratic community made up of many administrators and militants who have the antibodies to undermine bad politics”.

Read also: Dalla Chiesa nails Serracchiani: “Excuse me, Honorable…”, what he forgets about the Bari case

And not only. The leader of the Italian Left and MP of Avs, Nicola Fratoianni, asks for an extra effort from the leaders of the Region: “The time has come for President Emiliano to produce an initiative of discontinuity. From us there are no ultimatums but we cannot pretend to nothing. We need to discuss the issue and do so by removing it from the electoral conflict.” While the group leader of the Brothers of Italy in the Chamber, Riccardo Foti, attacks: “In Puglia the facts also directly and indirectly affect the Emiliano council and therefore also and above all the Democratic Party. We need to turn the page and above all realize that the system of transformism does not pays. Bringing people from right to left is a purchasing campaign but it is not politics.”

Speaking of the polls, Conte’s push comes after the long wave of controversies with the Democratic Party linked to the race for the Bari municipal elections and the de facto cancellation of the primaries between Vito Leccese, supported by the Dems, and Michele Laforgia. A name, the latter, on which the M5S president insists: “It would be madness today to abandon this candidacy. Indeed, the reasons for supporting Laforgia are strengthened even more. And I invite all political forces to do further reflection. I believe that Laforgia is the only candidate who can truly relaunch” Bari. A clear message in a bottle sent in the direction of Nazareno.

2024-04-11 20:18:00

#Conte #snatches #abandons #Emiliano #Puglia #Schlein #furious #total #clash

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