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Gironde. The fire resumes in Landiras, 320 hectares burned

At least 320 hectares of pines were destroyed this Tuesday, August 9, 2022 in the south of the Gironde by several occasions of fire from gigantic fire by Landiras.

Hundreds of people evacuated

The disaster led to the evacuation of several hundred inhabitants of Hostens, according to the firefighters and the town hall of Hostens.

Three neighborhoods and four housing estates in the town of Hostens (1,300 inhabitants), on the border with the Landes, have been evacuated, the municipality announced on its Facebook account, which opened a security PC in the village hall.

According to city councilor Pascal Bizzari, some 500 people “maximum” left their homes to go, for the most part, to relatives.

“Adverse weather conditions”

“Thanks to unfavorable weather conditions, renewed fires are observed near Landiras” on the sectors of « Cabanac, Hostens, Saint-Magne »said in a tweet the prefecture of Gironde.

According to an initial report sent by the Departmental Fire and Rescue Service (Sdis), these resumptions of fire burned “300 ha (of pines) in Saint-Magne” et “20 ha in Cabanac”, near Landiras.

14,000 hectares burned in Landiras in July

Landiras had been the scene in July of a gigantic fire which swallowed nearly 14,000 ha of forest and which is still not “under control” nowadays.

“These are hot spots that reactivated in the early afternoon, during the hottest hours of the day”, explained the Departmental Fire and Rescue Service (Sdis), describing a “fairly fast fire” and a situation “rather unfavorable” due to warm southeasterly winds.*

“Big land resources” engaged

“We see a very black smoke, 2 or 3 km from the village”, added the councilor of Hostens according to whom “large land resources” were implemented by the firefighters, without further details.

“The fight is also underway on Sainte-Hélène in the Médoc, where a fire outbreak was reported at the start of the afternoon”burning 15 ha, also specified the Facebook account of the Gironde firefighters.

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