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Gironde: the Banc d’Arguin weakened by the storm


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Gironde: the Banc d’Arguin weakened by the storm

Repeated bad weather has weakened the Arguin bench, in Gironde. The jewel which houses more than 140 oyster concessions is wondering about the future. – (France 2)

Article written by

France 2

C. Sinz, LA. Delaune, T. Breton, France 3 Bordeaux, A. d’Abrigeon

France Televisions

Repeated bad weather has weakened the Arguin bench, in Gironde. The jewel which houses more than 140 oyster concessions is wondering about the future.

It is an exceptional place between Arcachon and Cap Ferret: the Arguin bench, a 4 kilometer long strip of sand, popular with oyster farmers. The oysters there are fleshier and grow better there than elsewhere. But recent storms have turned the place upside down. The Banc d’Arguin is now cut in two, the ocean rushes in and moves thousands of tons of sand onto the oyster beds. Some equipment is now irrecoverable and the oysters are buried in the sand, everything must be thrown away. Twenty hectares of concessions destroyed, oyster farmers are trying to save what can still be saved.

More storms could arrive

Some have lost everything, a catastrophe on the eve of the holidays. The major fear of several professionals: that the Arguin bench will disappear in a few years. The state has asked oyster farmers to leave without knowing if they will ever be able to return. Other storms could, in fact, further weaken this islet off the coast of Arcachon.

2023-11-19 21:00:34
#Gironde #Banc #dArguin #weakened #storm

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