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Girl still hung on to the umbilical cord

A stroller Friday evening made in pregarten pond in the free city of a horror Fund.

. The 40-Year-old was turned out to be on Friday night against 19 clock in the fish pond near the brewery, two schools and the employment office on-the-go, as he couldn’t believe his eyes: What looked from afar like a puppet that had lost a child or thrown away, the closer the man came – as a Baby! In the water engine, and even the umbilical cord was hanging. And was apparently dead. Shocked, the witness alerted an ambulance and the police. The baby’s body was recovered from a further passers-by with a landing Net, a doctor was called in, the investigation began.

Autopsy should show whether the Baby was drowned

Viable. The agreed doctors could initially find only that it was the Baby a girl and that it would in principle have been able to live. Whether it had lived at birth, it died, or drowned, was killed, this is the first of the commissioned autopsy can shed light.

Who has placed the infant into the water or thrown away like a bag full of, the man or woman wanted to have from the eye, is still completely open. With all the sensitivity of the officials are now on the search for the mother, it is not a way of living a woman is expected to act – the umbilical cord and all previously identified traces speak rather for the birth must have taken place in an apartment or a house in the Region.

Medical Help. With great probability it is a secret pregnancy. And maybe it explains the one or the other attentive Person now, why a known woman grew more and more and now, suddenly, just as inexplicably slim. In addition, the Requested medical assistance is likely to need! Notes under 059133 40 3144.

R. Kopt

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