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Giorgia Rossi goes to ‘Pressing’ on fitness: “I train with Crossfit, like the marines”

The presenter talks about her relationship with daily sport: “I do rope and jump, but now I miss running because I don’t like running in the winter, and I can’t go to the gym and use the treadmill anymore”. On Covid: “I had it, I got over it, it’s not a good experience”

Sabrina Clerk


January 16
– Milano

He is the face of Mediaset for football. Giorgia Rossi, the lady of “Pressing” his Italy 1, on Sunday evenings. Not just beauty, Giorgia is prepared, she knows sport because she has had it since she was a child lived and practiced. Leads the program with firm wrist and keeps his audience of commentators and guests at bay because he knows what he’s talking about. Here he tells us about his profession and his relationship with daily fitness. With a premise: “I had Covid and it was not a good experience. I suffered like many: two days fever, loss of taste, various pains. I recovered and began to train gradually, because the exit from the virus must be approached with caution. It is advisable a complete check up, before returning to the previous life “.

Giorgia, how was your passion for sport born?

“As a little girl. I had eight to nine years and I went with my father and grandfather to see football matches. First the amateur ones, then they decided to take me to the professional ones. At first I was just watching this ball rolling. I didn’t understand the meaning right away, but I was fascinated, struck. So I asked them to take me and bring me back. And in the end it was something that united us even more ”.

A lot of football or something else?

“I started following football, but I played tennis, that was my other great passion. They are two completely different sports, individual tennis and team game football, but both for different reasons have always fascinated me ”.

From Rome to Milan, from Sky to Mediaset

“Not only that: I also did one small stop in Rai. I was lucky enough to start early enough, to learn, to get up to speed. First in official channel of Rome, where I had my very first opportunity, a real gym, then in three most important networks to talk about football, where I have had and have the opportunity to learn more and more. Because there is always something to learn ”.

Giorgia, her shape is splendid. Continue with the crossfit,the intense training of the Marines, which includes a series of exercises without breaks, in a circuit?

“Yes, but I have slightly modified the training plan according to my needs. I follow afunctional training, so in addition to using the body as the main “tool”, I improve its abilities in daily actions. A professional takes care of my training, gives me targeted advice: I feel good. “

How did you organize with the closure of the gyms?

“In this pandemic period, like many, I have worked in one online gym, through video calls, by purchasing those two or three tools necessary to be able to keep myself fit ”.

What do you think about the trend of the online personal trainer? What do you prefer?

“Training with the trainer in the presence, with my favorite tools. Now I miss the conveyor belt, but cardio exercises can be done in other ways, which we are experimenting with. But I like running and in winter I’m cold, so I don’t like to do it outdoors. I partially made up for it by dedicating myself to other things, rope and jumps, but I miss running ”.

Do you change your training in the summer?

“Basically I don’t change my plan, but in the summer I allow myself 20-25 days continuous stops physical activity. My trainer advises me, once a year, to take a break, a total relaxation. The problem is then the recovery: at the beginning you struggle, the muscles have to find the rhythm, there is some pain, but it doesn’t last long ”.

How much time do you spend a week for training?

Two-three sessions, no more, every other day: Tuesday and Thursday or Monday, Wednesday and Saturday “

Does sport help the body and mind too?

“Yes, because the ‘head’ is reflected on the body. I believe that physical activity is crucial for releasing stress and tension. I love to train it will be, upon returning, in the quiet, after a busy day. Not immediately, however: first I need a couple of hours of relaxation “.

What about nutrition? How is your nutritional plan organized?

“Free not to believe it, but since I stopped dieting, not to think at all about what I eat and take what I need, I improved my physique. When I was on diets, it was impossible to lose weight. I’ve tried all kinds of them “.

What do you not give up at the table?

To bread: at every meal I must have a slice. I don’t weigh it, I don’t have scales in the kitchen. I bought a personal scale a few days ago, but I only used it once. And I haven’t used it for 6-7 years. My scale is the mirror”.

In an interview he stated that “Every morning is prepared with milk, biscuits and Gazzetta dello Sport”. Does his awakening continue like this?

“Yes, yes, I am”ingredients “inevitable: without, it is not awakening. And I observe half an hour of silence: I must not have voices around. Then you get activated. I need 30-40 minutes of relaxation and recovery “.

Giorgia, yours is a tough, masculine world that requires commitment: do you love competition both in sport and in life?

“Per me is critical: without, I lose all stimuli. In the moment in which it is not there, I feel that something is missing. And not just in the workplace “.

It should be the year of the European football championship, there will be many matches: will you watch them all?

“Yes, absolutely. And not just for the spectacle of football: every match may have a story behind it, a character, a champion with something to say or tell. Social, political, fascinating stories that these competitions highlight and make known. Peoples, cultures, traditions “

Projects for this 2021 just started?

“Don’t be afraid to be myself at 360 degrees in everything I do. I would like to throw myself, dare, continue. The rest will come “.

Before going on air, do you do breathing exercises to relieve tension?

“No. I live the tension, I don’t like to send her away. Lately I tend to feel all the emotions, maybe even to transmit them without too many filters, to try to be more empathetic too, when I find myself in front of an audience. Maybe before I made more patterns, but lately not anymore: I learned to be natural, always myself. Maybe some like it, others don’t, but I accept to take the risk ”.

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