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Gina Lollobrigida in danger? Under the influence of her former gardener, she worries her relatives

Should we worry about Gina Lollobrigida? His relatives say that for a few years, the star has not been the same. It would be seriously influenced by his former gardener, who became his manager, who would have extorted millions of euros.

Relatives of Gina Lollobrigida sound the alarm. To believe her son Milko and her ex-husband Javier Rigau y Rafols, the 92-year-old Italian star would not be the same lately. Increasingly isolated from her loved ones, she would only trust her gardener, hired in 2009. A man who would have gained importance in his life during 2011, during a trip to the States -United. “Gina had a series of commitments, but neither Milko nor I could accompany her. So she took Andrea Piazzolla (the gardener, editor’s note). There, he allegedly dismantled a scam targeting him… We are convinced that he himself hatched this scheme to gain Gina’s confidence. After this trip, she was never the same again, “denounces the ex-companion of the actress in the columns of Paris Match. It must be said that after this crossing of the Atlantic Ocean, the gardener was entitled to a sacred promotion by finding himself propelled at the head of the companies managing the money of the star. He also obtained the right to come and live with Gina Lollobrigida, with his wife and daughter.

Does Javier Rigau Y Rafols tell the truth?

Milko and Javier Rigau Y Rafols are certain of this: Andréa Piazzolli would do anything to keep Gina Lollobrigida away from her family. It must be said that she who was very close to her grandson Dimitri had a wall built between the latter’s house and his. But that’s not all ! Besides enjoying

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