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Gimbe: the epidemic does not slow down, in 7 days + 18% cases and deaths – Health

For two months now, there has been no sign of slowing down the Covid-19 epidemic, which is progressively “leading towards a dangerous congestion of hospitals “. In the week 8-14 December, compared to the previous one, new cases and deaths increase by about 18%.

“On the hospital front, the number of beds occupied by Covid patients is still increasing: + 17.9% in the medical area and + 11.2% in intensive care. However, in recent weeks” the percentage of patients hospitalized in the medical area and in intensive compared to positives “, thanks to the increase in third doses.

The ratio between positives and people tested clearly increases (from 3.6% to 23.9%) and deaths are also increasing by 18.8%, which were 663 in the last 7 days compared to 558.

In 26 Italian provinces the incidence of infections from Covid-19 exceeds 250 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. While in all Regions, with the exception of Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Molise and the Autonomous Province of Bolzano, there is a percentage increase in new cases: from 4.4% of Abruzzo to 94.8% of Basilicata.

In 7 days, the number of people who received the first dose of the anti-Covid vaccine increased by 5.8%: from 6 to 12 December they were 236,000 compared to 223,116 in the previous week. But it is above all the third doses that increase: they were 2.9 million, 8.8% more than the previous week.

The monitoring underlines how “the pandemic is in a critical phase due to the convergence of various factors, such as the winter season, the initial delay in administering third doses, a hard core of non-vaccinated people”. This “worries” in view of Christmas and the spread of Omicron.

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