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Gijón will allow nightlife venues to open during the day | BE Gijón | The news from Asturias

The nightlife venues of Gijón they will be able to develop their activity during the day exclusively for the sale and supply of drinks and food, as the one in Oviedo has also agreed to do.

The City Council has made this decision after last Thursday the Principality decreed the closure of the interior of the locales of nightlife to curb the fifth wave of the covid pandemic.

Thanks to this resolution of the Mayor’s Office, those establishments that have a valid municipal opening license, through a simple communication, will be able to open during daytime hours exclusively to carry out activities of purely hotel and restaurant content.

Discos, dance halls, cocktail bars with or without live musical performances will be subject to the requirements set for the rest of the sector.

These stores may open according to the time that your license marks, must close at 01:00 hours and will not be able to admit new clients from midnight.

The use of sound reproduction / amplification equipment is allowed as long as they operate as Ambiental music in the terms included in the Municipal noise ordinance.

The dance floor, for its part, may have tables or groups of tables provided that they respect the distancing and capacity measures set by the health authorities.

In September of last year, a resolution of the Mayor’s Office was approved that also sought to make the situation generated by covid-19 less harmful as long as it does not generate a risk to public health.

The TSJA overturns the very precautionary measures

The Higher Court of Justice of Asturias (TSJA) has denied the very precautionary measure requested by the hotel management organization Otea for the suspension of the closure of the interior of nightlife venues decreed last Tuesday by the Government of the Principality to stop the fifth wave of the covid pandemic.

The acceptance of the very precautionary would have implied the immediate suspension of the provisional closure, without previously hearing the Principality, so that the Asturian high court will now continue with the analysis of the possible precautionary suspension in a process in which the Asturian Government may present its allegations and that could go on for several days.

For the TSJA, “the urgency” of a very precautionary measure “cannot prevail over the protection of public health“.

Otea, who had warned of the “damages” of the closure for “a sector” especially punished “, argued that the increase in the number of infections, focused on the age group between 15 and 29 years,” does not derive from the reopening of nightlife establishments, but of end-of-year trips, as well as festivals linked to that moment and, above all, of the increase in mobility linked to the arrival of summer “.

However, the Ministry of Health ensures that the data obtained in Asturias, both from the case and contact records and from the tracking activity, indicate that this epidemic wave is spreading in a population group “with high sociability , a great mobility throughout the entire territory and with a type of leisure closely linked to the hospitality industry, especially at night “.

In the resolution published last Monday, it pointed out that, of the total of situations of high risk of contagion identified in Asturias Over the last two weeks that can be classified as super disseminating events because a high number of cases or close contacts derive from them, more than half (53%) occurred in nightlife establishments, “giving rise to the 79% of the total close contacts linked to this type of event and two out of three cases “.

In the order, issued this Friday, the magistrates of the Contentious-Administrative Chamber the life and health of the population take priority over economic damage “Irreparable” to which Otea alluded to justify the precautionary measure.

The court reminds the employer that it has the means of compensation to repair these possible damages of an economic nature to allow the decision that could finally be adopted to be made effective.

In addition, it warns that “urgency” cannot prevail over the protection of public health that the Principality preserved with its resolution.

Likewise, the Chamber rejects that the Principality had not sufficiently justified the reasons for decreeing the closure of the interior of the nightlife venues since these measures are preceded by a “broad and reasoned” presentation of facts related to the evolution of the health crisis by Covid-19.

The order is final and no ordinary appeal can be filed against it.

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