Home » today » Business » Gigabit Voucher: Fast internet for households, businesses – Who it concerns – 2024-09-22 19:53:53

Gigabit Voucher: Fast internet for households, businesses – Who it concerns – 2024-09-22 19:53:53

The Deputy Minister of National Economy and Finance, Nikos Papathanasis, spoke about the “Gigabit Voucher” program on the ERTNews show “NewsRoom”.

The high-speed internet program is for households and businesses. “I’ll tell you an example. An apartment building had the Smart Readiness program which was the free entrance of fiber optic to the apartment building. From then on, however, you had to pay for the optical fiber to come to your apartment.”

And he continued: “Now we come with Gigabit Voucher to pay for ourselves, so that fast internet can come from the apartment building to your apartment. Therefore a complete package: and for the optical fiber to come to the apartment building and from there to everyone’s apartment. There are no criteria. It is for everyone, all Greek women and men and businesses. So it is a program which is important, which again is funded by the Recovery Fund partly and by our national arm partly as well. It is an important program for all homes.”

The program

  • Beneficiaries of the Program are all citizens (natural persons) and small and medium-sized businesses (including commercial ones) who do not already have a broadband connection with a download speed greater than 100 Mbps and who live or have their head office/branch in buildings located in the Intervention Areas .
  • It will subsidize the acquisition of ultra-high-speed broadband by households and small and medium-sized enterprises, providing checks (Vouchers) to cover the costs of acquiring the relevant service and especially the costs corresponding to the initial connection (indicative: installation costs of the horizontal optical cabling to interconnect the horizontal property with the existing vertical cabling, cost of terminal equipment, cost of activation).
  • Excluded from the Program are citizens and small and medium-sized businesses that have received a subsidy under the Super-Fast Broadband action, as well as legal entities operating in exempted sectors.

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