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Gift disc in Riedstadt – Rhein Main Verlag

The citizens of Büchnerstadt Riedstadt showed an overwhelming willingness to help: 256 lovingly wrapped gifts from the Wishing Tree campaign were handed over to the town hall. President of the Staff Council Tanja Demuth and her team had a lot to do until all the nice gifts had been counted and compared to the wish list of Riedstadt children in need and young people.

The flood of gifts is a record: never since the beginning of the Wishing Tree campaign six years ago have there been so many sincere wishes from needy young residents of Riedstadt, all of which have been fulfilled. Die schiere Anzahl zeigt, wie groß die Not auch in Riedstadt ist. Umso größer ist die Freude, dass tatsächlich alle die vielen Wünsche erfüllt wurden. “I am deeply touched and impressed that the people of Riedstadt have shown such a willingness to donate despite these difficult times,” explains Mayor Marcus Kretschmann.

A good week before Christmas, there were shining eyes in front of the town hall: in the presence of Santa Claus, the children and young people were able to take their presents at the entrance to the wedding hall.

Again real tree in the hall of the town hall

Bereits zum siebten Mal gab es in Riedstadt eine Wunschbaumaktion. In the first four years there was a festively decorated wish tree with the wish lists of children and young people in the hall of the town hall. In the first year of the pandemic, an online version was offered on the city’s homepage, and in 2021, there was also a desired tree fin in the City Hall lobby. This year, for the first time ever, a wishing tree was placed in the Town Hall lobby, but sincere wishes could also be selected and obtained via the virtual wishing tree.

(Text: PM Büchnerstadt Riedstadt)

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