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Giffoni 50, Richard Gere: “Work on wisdom and compassion”

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Gere spoke at the festival for the section “The jury meets”, a series of events organized with some stars on the international scene. The almost 71-year-old (he will blow out the candles on August 31st) was one of the most anticipated presences of the event organized in the town in the province of Salerno, even if he was not physically in Italy due to the health emergency.

“I’m glad you are wearing the mask. Covid has taken away two people very close to me. My acting teacher and a music producer friend of mine. Please be careful, this is very serious,” Gere began. .

The protagonist of timeless films like “American Gigolo”, “Officer and gentleman”, “Pretty Woman” he has already participated in the festival in 2014. “Giffoni has a very important place in my heart,” he explained. “I came six years ago with my son who was 14 then. It was two years after my divorce, and I met my current wife (publicist and activist Alejandra Silva, ed), with whom we now have two children, during the my trip to Giffoni. I will always be grateful to this festival. Giffoni is fantastic, it inspired me. I found guys from all over the world who communicated, with great openness. I ask you only one thing, invite me again “. The director Claudio Gubitosi promptly does it for next year and he smilingly replies: “I accept”.

Always committed to the mission of helping the weakest and the planet, Richard Gere has also personally participated in charitable initiatives and campaigns to stimulate public awareness of current major problems: “When I do something it gets more attention because I’m famous, but that doesn’t mean it’s more important. You don’t need to make big gestures, just a small one, like overcoming your anger, understanding others more, not being consumed by greed. Obviously, those who have the possibility should also act concretely “.

Turning to the actor’s role, Gere is asked which were the most complex characters to play: “For me they are all difficult, I am always looking for the character. But I remember two. At the beginning of my career, the one in “American gigolo.” I had to decide right away whether to shoot the film because shooting would start in two weeks, while I generally take a lot of evaluating and preparing. This time I threw myself into a character I didn’t know anything about, I was unsure. The other very difficult role was that of ‘Chicago’. Being a musical, we rehearsed, sang and danced, for two months, before shooting. It was a great job but also perhaps the most fun experience I have ever had. in preparing a film “.

The Hollywood star doesn’t remember an exact moment when he decided to be an actor, but “I was a very shy child and I don’t know why at seven or eight, I agreed to participate in a play in front of an audience. I liked it. so much … it somehow helped me out of my shyness, “he recalls.

FRIDAY PROTAGONIST SYLVESTER STALLONE – Sylvester Stallone is the absolute protagonist of Friday 21 August at Giffoni50. Among the most famous American performers, especially for his roles as Rocky Balboa and John Rambo, he will be the one to confront in streaming connection with Generator +16 and +18. The Nuclear Tactical Penguins will instead be present at the festival, for a meeting powered by Comix: the revelation band will tell the boys about the overwhelming success that has established them in the Italian music scene as one of the most loved groups. For the masterclass section we start with Don Joe, dj, record producer and Italian rapper, known for his militancy in the Dogo Club, who will explain to the kids how to recognize a talent. Immediately after the meeting with Aries, a rising star of only 17 years in the indie scene, and the Viitos.


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