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Gicam: a new actor opposes the merger

Businessman Moïse DIABE calls for a boycott of the constitutive general assembly of the entity born from the merger between Gicam and Ecam, scheduled for December 14, 2023.

After Emmanuel Wafo and Jacques Jonathan Nyemb, another voice is raised against the merger of the Inter-employer group of Cameroon (Gicam) and Entreprises du Cameroun (Ecam). Moïse DALEU DIABE, known as CEO of the Delta group, has just revealed his position on the eve of the constitutive general meeting of the new employers’ center announced. The businessman describes this merger as a fraud and calls on members to boycott.

For this businessman, this merger is a “statutory, historical-personal and organizational heresy”. He claims that the objective assigned to this approach, namely to make the Cameroonian private sector speak with one voice, is only an illusion, given the disproportionate weight of Ecam and Gicam. “ The nuclear fusion hoped for by Mr TAWAMBA will not produce the long-awaited energy according to the famous formula E = mc2, the two starting nuclei (GICAM and ECAM) being of such absolute disproportionality that fusion cannot take place, the economic and financial weight of the GICAM-ECAM merger being practically equal to the weight of GICAM » he declares in a column published on December 13, 2023. He also adds that a union movement is never as strong as when it expresses itself through diverse organizations.

The businessman also discusses the legal doubt that hangs over this merger. But for him, as for the previous speakers in this affair, this merger is only a means for the current president to remain at the head of Gicam ” The constitutive general assembly of the new employers’ organization is convened for December 14, 2023, i.e. 24 hours before the effective and official end of the mandate of Mr TAWAMBA who had been re-elected (GICAM IN ACTION ACT 2 list) for a second and final mandate (badly re-elected elsewhere) on December 16, 2020 by 95.51% of votes or 213 votes out of 223 present. Poorly elected because, although holding an approving vote of 95.51%, only 213 votes had been cast in an organization with more than 1000 members. “, he emphasizes.

Moise DIABE presents two noble exit tracks for Célestin Tawamba. “ The first option, the wisest and the happiest, would be to send the merger project back to the new GICAM management team, knowing that, having become a member of the Committee of Wise Men after his current mandate (i.e. in 48 hours), he could take the lead. necessary step back, with his new colleagues, in order to direct the project in a more legalistic and more consensual direction “. The second option proposed to Célestin Tawamba is to give up running for the leadership of GICAM, as soon as his mandate ends on December 15, 2023. This renunciation must apply both to him and to President Ayangma, and whatever the outcome of future events. This renunciation would be a powerful ethical signal with a double meaning. », affirms Moise DIABE.

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