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Gibran’s Status in PDIP Still Unclear, Says Vice Presidential Candidate

CNN Indonesia

Thursday, 26 Oct 2023 17:57 IWST

Vice presidential candidate for the Advanced Indonesia Coalition, Gibran Rakabuming Raka, did not say clearly whether he was resigning or being fired from PDIP. (Photo: Tara Wahyu NV/DatikJateng)

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

Vice presidential candidate from the Advanced Indonesia Coalition Gibran Rakabuming Raka did not say firmly whether he was resigning or being fired from PDIP. He only said that his status in the leading party was clear Megawati Soekarnoputri That.

He said this in response to a question about whether he had returned his PDIP Membership Card (KTA) or not.

“It’s clear, you know,” said Gibran after undergoing a medical test at Gatot Subroto Army Hospital, Thursday (26/10).

Gibran did not go into further detail about what he meant by the “clear” statement. He only said he had answered that since last week.

“Well, I’ve answered it since last week, from last week. It’s been since last week’s meeting,” he said.

Previously, the Chairman of the PDIP DPP for Honor, Komaruddin Watubun, said that Gibran’s membership status in the PDIP had ended after he registered as Prabowo’s vice presidential candidate.

Komaruddin said that PDIP had its own attitude towards cadres that were not perpendicular to the party’s instructions. According to him, now Gibran has automatically left PDIP.

“De facto, Gibran’s membership in PDIP has ended after his official registration as vice presidential candidate for the Advanced Indonesia Coalition,” said Komar in his statement to CNNIndonesia.com, Thursday (26/10).

However, Komar said PDIP did not want to question Gibran’s status. According to him, it is normal for someone to move, quit or leave the party. He also believes that there will be other cadres joining PDIP.

Gibran has officially registered as a vice presidential candidate to accompany Prabowo in the 2024 presidential election. Both of them have registered with the coalition political parties at the KPU Office, Jakarta, Wednesday (25/10).

They are supported by nine parties, namely the Gerindra Party, Golkar Party, Democratic Party, PAN, PSI, PBB, Gelora Party, Prima Party and Garuda Party.


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2023-10-26 10:57:50

#Gibran #Opens #PDIP #KTA #Clear

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