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Gibran Rakabuming Raka’s Political Affiliation Shift: PDIP to Golkar


PDIP Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto admitted that he received a call from Golkar Chairman Airlangga Hartarto regarding Gibran Rakbuming Raka will be yellowed. Golkar elite Nusron Wahid said that yellow knows more about yellow.

“Yellow people know better about yellow. We are not forcing Mas Gibran to become a Golkar cadre. Mas Gibran belongs to young people and the Indonesian people. I know Mas Gibran knows what is best for himself and the future of the Indonesian nation,” Nusron told reporters, Sunday. (5/11/2023).

Nusron said red people know red better. It is known that PDIP is synonymous with the color red.

“Red people know about red. Yellow people know better about yellow. There is no yellowing process yet, Mas Gibranand we don’t force it and don’t offer it,” he said.

Nusron further said that Golkar was more focused on winning the election. Golkar, he said, also focuses on the interests of the nation.

“We are more focused on winning and the broader interests of the country rather than on color,” he explained.

Previously, the issue of President Joko Widodo’s eldest son being elected was conveyed by DPIP Secretary General Hasto. Hasto got this information after receiving a telephone call from Golkar Chairman Airlangga Hartarto. Airlangga, said Hasto, had provided information that Gibran would join his party after being declared as vice presidential running mate to Prabowo Subianto.

“I have also received a call from the Chairman of Golkar. At that time Mr. Airlangga (said) that Mas Gibran was ‘yellowed’, ‘golkarized’. So automatically Mas Gibran because he became vice presidential candidate, Mas Gibran is no longer part of the PDIP,” said Hasto in Mataram, East Nusa Tenggara, as reported by detikBali, Sunday (5/11).

Hasto also said that President Jokowi’s eldest son was no longer a PDIP cadre. He said that Gibran’s farewell request to become Prabowo Subianto’s vice presidential candidate (cawapres) was a sign that he had left the white snout bull party.

“Oh no (Gibran is no longer in PDIP). Because if he is still officially in PDIP, he cannot be nominated by the Golkar Party. That is the provision of our constitution, unless further changes are made. Yesterday changes were made for age and experience,” explained Hasto.


2023-11-06 01:03:40

#Nusron #answered #Hasto #forcing #Mas #Gibran #Golkar #cadre

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