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Giant freestanding coral reef discovered off the Australian coast

Scientists say the reef resembles the blade of a knife. The bottom of the reef is 1.5 km wide and the top is only 40 meters below the sea surface. According to the Arc Center of Excellence Coral Reef Studies, it is the first time in 120 years that scientists have found such a ‘gigantic’ free-standing coral reef.

Limited knowledge

Seven other high freestanding reefs are known, all of which were discovered in the 19th century. “Our knowledge about the ocean has long been so limited,” said Wendy Schmidt, co-founder of the Schmidt Ocean Institute that was involved in the study. “Thanks to new technologies that act as our eyes, ears and hands in the deep ocean, we can explore the ocean like never before.”

Scientists found the reef in northeastern Australia on a 12-month expedition. They mapped the seabed of the northern Great Barrier Reef with 3D images. The institute used an underwater robot for this.

Largest coral reef

The Great Barrier Reef is the world’s largest coral reef and the habitat of many endangered species such as the green sea turtle. According to scientists, half of the coral has died off due to climate change since the 1990s. According to them, this causes an increase in the number of disturbances in the ecosystem, mainly in the form of heating of the seawater.

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