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Gianni Morandi, the pain of the loss of his first child: how he is today

Gianni Morandi participated in the latest edition of Sanremo Festival with the song Open all doors written for him by Jovanotti. As always he involved all music lovers with his fantastic voice.

She always shows her smile, but she hasn’t really had a good time in the past and one of these concerns his son, the first to be exact lived only a few hours after birth. Here are all the details of the sad story.

Gianni Morandi – Oggi24.it

Gianni Morandi he always manages to ride the wave of success thanks to the songs he offers to those who follow him since his first beginnings in the entertainment world. He is a well-rounded artist: Italian singer, musician, actor and TV presenter.

He has a very respectable CVas it is considered one of the fundamental pillars of Italian pop music, selling more than 50,000,000 records all over the world.

As for his private life, he is currently married to Anna Dan | which made him father in 1997 of Pietro, known in the world of music with his stage name Thirteen Peter. Before he brought her to the altar Laura Efrikianwith whom he was married from 1966 to 1979. In their life they have had to deal with an unexpected loss.

A pain that will remain for life

Marianna was born from the marriage of Gianni Morandi and Laura Efrikian in 1969 (ex wife of Biagio Antonacci) and then Marco arrived in 1974. Both followed in their father’s footsteps as they ventured into singing careers. In fact, before them the woman gave birth to Serena in 1967, but unexpectedly she died a few hours after giving birth. Gianni Morandi spoke about it with an open heart to very true from Silvia Toffanin. She was unable to hide her tears. After all, there is no worse nightmare for a parent to lose his offspring in his arms.

Old shot of Morandi and Laura - Oggi24.it
Old shot of Morandi and Laura – Oggi24.it

A constantly evolving phenomenon

Despite everything Gianni Morandi always manages to transmit a positive charge with his beautiful personality. He knows how to get involved in front of the cameras and this is one of the many characteristics of him that makes him unique in the eyes of the people. After 22 years of absence from Sanremo Festivalhe performed again on the Ariston stage asking Jovanotti to duet with him in the evening intended precisely for duets. The song took third place, but that is not very relevant because it was a great success.

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