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Gianna Nannini, a drama behind the secret of her voice

Why does Gianna Nannini have such a particular vocal timbre? A drama behind the secret of his voice and a past made up of many excesses.


There is no doubt that Gianna Nannini, protagonist of the 2020 edition of the Notte della Taranta, the festival where she returns after 16 years, is the best known female rock voice in Italy and whose success has also gone beyond the border. Out of the box artist, he has never hidden a turbulent past. He explained to Vanity Fair: “Madness is something else. I have experienced it and I have also experienced schizophrenia. I know what they are. I happened to die and then be reborn ”.

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The drama of Gianna Nannini: the accident at work and drug abuse

Among the excesses of the past, there is drug abuse: “Except heroin, I’ve tried them all. For some time, almost forty years ago, I was addicted to cocaine. I was in London and they brought it to the studio with the same ease they would give you a sandwich today. I was never without it, I traveled there, I was completely unconscious ”. He stopped after a particular episode: “One day I go to the bathroom and while I discard the pink stone, it falls into the toilet. I see it disappear into the water and, as it slowly melts and I’m about to put my hands in it, I say to myself: ‘I can’t do this, I can’t reduce myself like this’. I stopped there ”.

But in the life of the singer there is a dramatic episode, which however is probably fundamental. Behind this episode, in fact, the secret of his hoarse voice would be hidden. In an interview with ‘Domenica In’, but also on other occasions, Gianna Nannini explained that she had worked at a very young age for her father’s confectionery industry, known nationally. During one shift, he had an accident and lost two phalanges of his fingers: “They ended up in the dough for sweets, but nobody ate them, they found them the next day, too late to put them back on. I let out a terrible scream. The hoarse voice came to me then. Then I fainted … “.

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