Home » today » Health » Giammattei raises his voice when speaking about the state of Calamity, restrictions and vaccination – Prensa Libre

Giammattei raises his voice when speaking about the state of Calamity, restrictions and vaccination – Prensa Libre

President Alejandro Giammattei participated this Tuesday, September 7, in the fourth ordinary meeting of the National Council for Urban and Rural Development (Conadur), in which he referred to the issue of vaccination against covid-19.

“Guatemala is eight days away from commemorating 200 years of Independence, which makes me reflect and affirm that this country demands more shared actions. Today we can start this meeting reaffirming our interest in asserting urban and rural development from this point of view ”.

The president called “so that we all become replicators of what the serious situation of the coronavirus in Guatemala represents and in the urgent need for all of us to participate in the work of vaccination, I know that for many people, getting the vaccine is it’s scary, other people don’t trust him, the only thing I can tell them is that a vaccinated person is a person with less risk of dying from the coronavirus ”.

He indicated that if what we want is to stop death from this disease, “what we have to do is increase vaccination levels, myself in the afternoons, I am dedicating every afternoon to going out to vaccinate people, because we need all those hands willing to administer vaccines, who know how to administer vaccines, who accompany us in the afternoons and at night to these community vaccination activities so that we go house to house seeing that the people who are infected give them their treatment and the people who are not infected, let’s give it the vaccine ”.

He said that the vaccine will be the only way to get ahead. He affirmed that 16% of the population has completed the vaccination, “we have barely reached 33% of the first dose and according to him, in the coming weeks these figures will be multiplied” because I am convinced that most of the people he wants to live in the middle of a country in the middle of health and not disease.

Private sector

“I look at the organized private sector worried because, the country is going to paralyze and we are going to lose the economic recovery, it is not lost, so that we can have more economic recovery we need a people that is healthy,” said the president.

“What good is it to me, 2 million infected Guatemalans, which is the projection for not doing anything between now and the end of the year, what good is it to me, there are 2 million who will not be able to go Christmas shopping, there are 2 million who he will not be able to even suddenly receive a bonus. There are 2 million people who live in the informal market who will not have access to their daily food because they are sick, “he said.

According to him, the projection is 2 million infected by the end of the year, but “They don’t understand that! those who there, yesterday taking baths of purity that nothing has to be done, of course it has to be done, and from the Executive we are going to continue doing it ”.

Mayor asks for vaccinations

Noé Leopoldo Boror Hernández, mayor of San Pedro Sacatepéquez, and representative of municipal corporations of the metropolitan region, indicated that in the northwestern region that is Mixco, San Pedro Sacatepéquez, San Juan Sacatepéquez, San Raymundo and Chuarrancho “we do not have first dose vaccines It is a request, Mr. President, that you could support us so that we can have vaccines ”.

He said that he has spoken with other mayors and there are some municipalities where there is no vaccine, “my humble opinion and suggestion is that it could be mapped and vaccines could be given to the municipalities that do not have first doses. We have been without first doses of vaccines for 20 days in these municipalities ”.

He recalled that in his municipality the covid-19 problem began on March 15, 2020 and they are concerned.

Giammattei told the mayor “as you are not informed”, since it has a coverage of 42.12% of its population in the municipality and is within the first 50 most vaccinated municipalities.

“Come here to say that you are not vaccinating in your municipality, let me tell you, it is not true,” said the official.

He added that they have the list of municipalities in their order, “who more and who less.”

He indicated that they know exactly how many vaccines they are getting and where. He said that among those who have exceeded 50% is Río Blanco, San Marcos; Agua Blanca, Jutiapa; La Esperanza, Quetzaltenango, and Santa Catarina Barahona, Sacatepéquez. He stated that the capital has 84% ​​coverage.

He said that “there are vaccinations, I receive every Saturday and Sunday here to come and hear a few guys there, bald people who come to yell at me and where are the vaccines, the vaccines are in 698 vaccination posts.”

“I myself was on Saturday in the Alioto settlement where 656 vaccines were given, of which 300 I gave and from there I went to Mártires del Pueblo and gave 50 vaccines and yesterday I was in the Honor Brigade and gave 178 vaccines” , said the president.

He said hopefully they would see the inhabitants who know how to vaccinate, join, and the doctors from San Pedro Sacatepéquez will also join “to give a couple of hours to their community.”

“With a good hand”

“Two hours, with a good hand as well as mine, 300 vaccines, to the chilazo and without complaints because they get well,” he said.

He pointed out that vaccination is everyone’s problem “If there is a state of Calamity, there is no state of Calamity, who wants to understand it to understand it, whoever has ears to hear let him hear, there is not a single country in the world that has not faced the calamity with the closures, whether we like it or not ”.

Read also: Guatemalans continue to suffer from other diseases apart from covid-19

He added: “There are some who are interested in that they already feel that they will not be able to sell, I want to see if they will be able to sell if people are sick, there are others who are worried that they will not be able to suck, even if it gives them and they they die and they will not be able to suck because in heaven there is no guaro ”.

He indicated that we are facing a “clash of interests” because many of these petty political interests have politicized the health of the people, since “while we are distributing vaccines, getting vaccines, some told me that they have gotten many donated, blessed be God and there are still those from Japan to come, and more from Spain ”.

He said that you should be prepared for next year because it is not known if a booster will be needed in six months or eight months or in a year.

He assured that some tell him that children must be vaccinated but “it is not possible, because there are still not enough studies to tell us that children must be vaccinated and it is safe.”

Vaccine for pregnant women

He recalled that two months ago the World Health Organization (WHO) indicated that pregnant women could not be vaccinated, but changed the decision for studies due to the pandemic and now they say that women can be vaccinated from the fourth month of pregnancy .

Fewer works in 2022

“Everyone asks me and asks me for works, know that next year there will not be many works because we will have to direct all the effort in the world to the Ministry of Health, especially when people are not taking care of themselves and we have the delta, lambda and gamma, the three most infectious, 30 seconds is enough to be in contact with a person with the delta to be infected, “said Giammattei.

He affirmed that some say that the pandemic does not exist, so he called on society and mayors to exercise leadership and for the message to reach the people, since the vaccine is the difference between living or dying.

Ten thousand dead

According to the official, if nothing is done, there is the possibility of reaching 10,000 deaths by December, “10,000 deaths only in the month of December.”

“There are others who from the pulpits tell people not to get the vaccine because it is diabolical,” he added.

Read also: “To God begging and with the gavel giving”: Metropolitan Archbishop calls on people to get vaccinated

He made reference to festivals such as those in Sacupulas, Quiché, and the answers will be criminal complaints and seeing the organizers in jail, “because that is promoting a pandemic.”

He announced sanitary fences to isolate municipalities, if necessary to contain the disease.

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