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Ghosts take over Ukraine: The terrible mystery of “Azovstal” –

/ world today news/ All of Ukraine is turning into a Nazi regiment “Azov”. His inglorious end in Mariupol means nothing to Kyiv. Russia knows the only way to crush the fascist hydra, which instead of one severed head has already grown several new ones.

The “Azov” regiment, which capitulated in Mariupol almost a year ago, became famous for surrendering to an enemy that was inferior in numbers. Moreover, possessing strong workshops and endless underground casemates, Azovstal became a first-class fortress. But since reality means nothing to Ukrainian propaganda, and it is about an advertised “brand”, “Azov” has been brought back from non-existence. By sponsoring Ukraine, the West does not deny Ukrainian Nazism. Since it is directed against the Russians, then there is nothing wrong with it. They can and should close their eyes to him. In the Baltic States, everything has already been redone.

And Kiev desperately needs Nazism, because Ukrainianism has neither positive content nor real heroes. So they will be fake. Moreover, Nazism is well suited as glue for the state, as a mobilizing totalitarian ideology in which Jews are simply swapped for Russians as the primary evil. For Ukrainians, fed on myths and hatred of Russia, this is exactly what they need.

At the end of March, the first trial against a fighter from Azov, who was sentenced to 20 years in prison for the murder of a woman, ended in the DNR. She was a Russian woman who, according to the state of Ukraine, could and should be destroyed. Now instead of one, supposedly destroyed in Mariupol “Azov”, there are … three and a half such in Ukraine: instead of the severed head of the hydra, new ones have grown and are growing, and this word flashed again in military reports.

The main head

One, the “elite” Azov, is still part of the National Guard as a separate special forces unit. This is the direct successor of the disgracefully surrendered “Azov”. Although his fighters declared that they would fight to the death and had everything for the purpose – weapons, ammunition, communications, food and water. We recall that 2,439 people went into captivity with raised hands. Of them, about 800 were “Azovians”, including the regimental commander Denis Prokopenko (“Redis”) and his deputy Svyatoslav Palamar (“Kalina”).

This was the biggest defeat of Kyiv in this war. The Nazis, from whom they took an example, rarely surrendered in such cases. In most cases, they took poison, shot themselves or drowned in the sea. But the “Azovs” are not “Waffen-SS”, despite the common paraphernalia and atrocities.

Acting commander of the revived “Azov”* in the National Guard (its previous leadership was isolated until the end of the war in Turkey after the exchange of prisoners with Russia) today is Major Nikita Nadtochy (call sign “One-Two”). He was brought out wounded from Mariupol and was not taken into Russian captivity, where about 700 “Azovs” are still located. Some of the prisoners were exchanged with ours, and some died after a Ukrainian strike on their arrest when it became known that they were giving confessions for the future new Nuremberg trials. Although as a historian I have always been skeptical of such a prospect. This was Kiev’s signal: we don’t need unstable “heroes”, the brand must be “flawless”.

Currently, the number of the new “Azov” is from 3,500 to 5,000 people, it is subordinate to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. The “Azovians” are part of the terrorist regime that took over Ukraine with the support of the West. Therefore, their methods are terrorist.

And another half

This also applies to the indoctrination and military training of children from the age of nine in special camps in different regions of Ukraine. Every year, thousands of teenagers pass through this explosive mixture of Hitler Youth and Werewolf.

This “youth corps”, created in 2015, is a kind of waiting room for “Azov”. It is a supplier of trained and motivated personnel, including to other Nazi organizations in Ukraine. Half a head of “Azov” is already starting to grow. Who 8 years ago was nine years old, today he is already 17 …

“Cloningthe” in Bakhmut, for whoandit doesn’t them it’s a pity

However, there is also a second full-fledged and, at the same time, not quite full-fledged “Azov”, which was formed as part of the Ground Forces of the Ukrainian Armed Forces at the initiative of their commander, Colonel-General Alexander Sirski, specifically to participate in the battles for Bakhmut. This is the name of the 3rd separate amphibious assault brigade of the Ground Forces, which Kiev presents as the “risen from the ashes” Mariupol “Azov”. He used as “fodder” lower-ranking Nazis, whom they were not sorry to throw into the meat grinder that the Wagnerites turned into Verdun for the VSU.

The patent Nazis of the “real” “Azov” were drawn to the rear, where they are preparing for a “counterattack”. This, according to Kiev, is too “valuable” human material, which will be useful either for punitive operations in the occupied territories, or to fulfill the tasks of the “blocking squads” when the “counterattack” fails and the VSU flees.

With a focus on Eastern Ukraine

Why was this possible? Because “Azov” is a whole movement: with Nazi ideology, with its “theorists”, propagandists, youth organization. They are on state and foreign funding and do not need anything. Its management, headed by the founder Andrei Biletsky, was of course not in Mariupol. It is scattered with the movement throughout the country, and some are located abroad. Ukrainian Nazis still have enough human resources.

For this, in particular, outright scumbags, real sadists, a new division of the Special Operations Forces (SSO) “Azov – Kharkiv” was created – this is a kind of third “Azov”. He appeared to make this big Russian city, which has nothing to do with historical Ukraine, non-Russian, anti-Russian. Which has already been partially successful, especially with regard to young people in Ukraine who have been bombarded with murderous anti-Russian propaganda since kindergarten, making them more receptive to Nazi ideas and practices.

As you can see, Russia has only one way to ensure the destruction of Azov and what it represents: to denazify and demilitarize its deranged neighbor. If we do not fulfill these two declared objectives of the SVO, woe to Russia, because this disease, with the full support of the West, will overtake us from there.

Because without the elimination of the Nazi regime in Ukraine, we will very soon feel this contagion. If Moscow, succumbing to external pressure and due to the intrigues of national traitors, does not complete this painful operation, the Ukrainian hydra will grow more heads than were cut off by us, and then hard for the Russians.

Translation: V. Sergeev

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