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Ghosh Yoga with infrared heating: what it is and what are the benefits

Never heard of Ghosh Yoga? It is a practice, still little known in Italy, inspired by the teachings of Bishnu Ghosh, pioneer of yoga in the 1930sas well as younger brother of the famous yogi Paramahansa Yogananda, author, in 1946, of the book Autobiography of a Yogi. Discipline, which combines asanas, breathing techniques and meditationarrives today in Italy in an innovative version: let’s talk about the one proposed by Giuseppe Panarello, one of the best known and most recognized masters of Ashtanga Yoga locals, and Giuseppe Orizzonte, a great yoga expert and trainer, who thought of maximize the benefits of Ghosh Yoga by taking advantage of the warm-up effect.

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«In Ghosh yoga heat is not an essential component but it can increase the benefits – explains Giuseppe Panarello. – This is why we decided to Set up practice in a heated environmentas already happens for the Bikram Yoga. The substantial difference lies in heating mode: usually the rooms are heated with hot air splits while we we focused on a technology that we have seen used in other countrieslike Holland and Scotland.”

Ghosh Yoga with infrared heating

Compared to classic hot yogaas yoga practiced in heated environments is commonly referred to, the great innovation lies in this case in the use of long wave infrared panels to heat the environment. This technology, also used in the medical and sports fields, in fact, it heats all the surfaces it comes into contact withwithout however excessively altering the air temperature. A temperature which, with traditional systems, can reach a non-homogeneous 40 degrees (hotter towards the top and colder towards the bottom). With the use of infrared panels, however, a pleasant and homogeneous heat is obtainedwhich does not exceed 35-36 degrees, as suggested on a medical and scientific level, with a humidity of 60-70%. Furthermore the air heated with these panels allows you to maintain natural breathing and comfortable, avoiding the feeling of suffocation.

The benefits

The benefits? Very many. This type of warm-up offers several advantages for yoga practitioners. Among these, the increase in mobility: the heat actually facilitates the muscle relaxation, allowing for deeper, safer stretching and improving the execution of positions. «But not only that – explains Panarello. – This technology guarantees a improvement of blood circulation: exposure to infrared in fact favors vasodilationimproving blood flow and helping to reduce tension and physical stress. Not to mention that deep heat can relieve muscle and joint pain, making this practice also ideal for those suffering from stiffness or inflammation problems».
Furthermore, Ghosh yoga with infrared heating reduces the risk of accidents, since by warming up the muscles, you can effectively prevent muscle strains or strains during practice.

How Ghosh Yoga with Infrared Heating works

So how does a Ghosh Yoga session with warm-up take place?

«No sequences are almost very simple – clarifies Panarello again. – For now we use two or three sequences that aim, especially in standing postures, to train strength. Unlike other yoga styles where the stretching component is very present, this practice offers a perfect balance between strength and flexibility. Furthermore, this heat and this temperature, which are not excessive but which are nevertheless felt, they cause the mind to be very focusedbecause you have to manage the asanas and the heat: it is a practice that almost involuntarily brings you into the present, and facilitates the concentration».

An inclusive approach suitable for everyone

Among the advantages of Ghosh Yoga formulated in this way, also that of being a extremely versatile practice which can satisfy different needs and be accessible to people of all ages and levels of physical preparation.

«It’s about one style suitable for absolutely everyone – in fact, the expert confirms – particularly useful also for those who suffer from arthritis or arthrosis, for those who are very stiff or for those who have weakness in their legs. The teacher then offers variations of positions to adapt to individual needs, allowing anyone to derive maximum benefits from this practice. There combination of targeted exercises and controlled heat creates a safe and stimulating environmentsuitable for both beginners and more experienced yogis.”

Where to try

At the moment, it is possible to try your hand at the practice proposed by Panarello and Orizzonte, at the Vinyasa Studio in Turin (via Lagrange 29), already set up with the appropriate panels. «However, we hope to be able to offer this opportunity to Milanowhere we will inaugurate another center” says Panarello.
I advice for those approaching Ghosh Yoga with warm-up for the first time? Drink plenty of water before and after class to replenish fluids lost through sweating, bring a large bath towel to cover the mat to prevent slipping, and wear light, tight-fitting clothing.

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