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Ghislaine Maxwell: – – Physical abuse

In July 2020, British society woman Ghislaine Maxwell (58) was arrested at her hiding place in Bradford in New Hampshire after almost a year on the run.

Since then, she has been remanded in custody in New York, accused of helping the late Jeffrey Epstein with sex trafficking and abuse of minors by recruiting and “grooming” these girls. In March this year, the indictment was extended to include human trafficking.

Now the 58-year-old’s brother, Ian Maxwell, takes a hard line against the prison guards and claims that they are abusing their sister.

– Will crack her

In his first British TV interview, Ian Maxwell expresses concern about how his sister is being treated in prison.

Maxwell’s lawyers have previously claimed that she has lost hair and lost over 15 kilos while in custody. In April, the 58-year-old’s lawyers also published a picture of her with a blue eye.

– I do not imagine that Gishlaine gives herself a black eye. I think she has been subjected to physical abuse by the prison guards, he says Sky News.

NEW PICTURES: The late billionaire Jeffrey Epstein’s “Zorro Ranch” has recently been filmed and photographed. Photo / video: thisischriswhite.com
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Ian Maxwell believes that the prison’s treatment of her sister is a violation of basic human rights designed to “break her”.

– It’s just unfair, and I think it’s quite shocking. We will take it further to the UN. America must be held accountable – and they will be, says the brother.

A spokesman for the federal prison system in the United States emphasizes that they take the accusations seriously.

– BOP (Federal Bureau of Prision, journ.anm.) Takes allegations of employee behavior and dishonesty very seriously. If it is justified, we will start an investigation of the case, the spokesperson says according to Sky News.

Concerned about the trial

The trial against Maxwell was supposed to begin in July, but was postponed until the end of November after the prosecution extended the indictment.

Ian Maxwell is worried about whether his sister will get a fair trial.

– It seems that people think that Ghislaine is already guilty, but you are innocent until proven guilty.

He believes that the 58-year-old is blamed only because Epstein is dead.

– Since he is dead, they only have to find someone who can pay the price for what he has done, he says and claims that there is no evidence against the 58-year-old.

CONSPIRATION THEORIES AROUND THE DEATH: On Saturday, the accused billionaire Jeffrey Epstein was found dead in his cell in New York. Video: Video: Vegard Kvaale / CNN / NTB Scanpix
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Maxwell has consistently denied criminal guilt. However, several women, who are alleged to have been abused by Epstein, claim that it was the 58-year-old who introduced them to the billionaire, allegedly knowing what to do with them.

In an interview with Miami Herald Virginia Roberts Giuffre, one of the most prominent whistleblowers, has claimed that she was “trained” in the role of sex slave by Maxwell.

– It was about everything from how to give oral sex, how to be quiet, be submissive, give Jeffrey what he wanted. Much of the training was provided by Ghislaine, she claimed.


Epstein was a famous financier in New York with connections to many famous and powerful people.

In 2008, he was convicted of buying sexual services from several underage girls. In the summer of 2019, he was arrested again charged with exploitation and abuse of several dozen girls and women.

When he was found dead in his cell in August of the same year, many people wondered what had happened. The prison he was in was known to be in poor condition, and it is rumored that the guard who was to look after him was asleep when the suicide occurred.

In addition, the surveillance images disappeared from the actual moment of the act, which provided fertile ground for many conspiracy theories. Some have claimed, among other things, that he was killed by some of his powerful friends, because he put on too much information.

The forensics however, concluded that he committed suicide on the cell.

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