The parquet floor of Grenoble has just opened an investigation for “administration of harmful substances”following the filing of a complaint by six victims stung during parties organized on April 15 and 17 in Grenoble.
Six victims taken ill
The victims, four women and two men, aged 17 to 22, were dizziness in three different places: two nightclubs et the sports hall of Grenoble which hosted a concert, according to information provided by Eric Vaillant, public prosecutor of the city.
The plaintiffs said they “felt a sting”, just before “feeling bad”. All went to the hospital to carry out tests before filing a complaint. The first results confirmed the authorities’ assumptions: one of the women “was indeed drugged with GHB”specifies the Dauphine Libere. This is why the prosecutor’s office opened an investigation.
Those responsible and their motives remain, for the time being, unknown.
None was the victim of theft or sexual assault, the prosecutor said.
GHB injections in the evening: what are the risks?
Several investigations have already been opened after similar events: the victims generally present dizziness, headache, fever and for some of them memory loss and/or joint pain. They often find it difficult to prove that they have been drugged, because most often the drug leaves the body within 24 hours and is no longer detectable.
These bites of GHB, often painless and comparable to that of a mosquito, can have dramatic consequences. “Overdose can cause breathing difficulties, slow heart rate and seizures, even death. The difference between a dose of GHB providing the desired effect and a dose putting the user at risk is minimal. And when you exceed the dose a little bit, the outcome can be fatal”, indicates Dr Kierzek to our colleagues from Doctissimo (source 1).
The syringes themselves also present a health risk: if the equipment is not sterile, it exposes the victim to a risk of infection.
If you experience suggestive symptoms (dizziness, headache, fevermemory loss and/or pain in the joints), or in case of doubt, quickly contact a health professional, or go to the emergency room as soon as possible to carry out a screening test.