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GGZ activist Charlotte Bouwman receives treatment after 1047 days of waiting

At the beginning of this year, Bouwman received media attention because of her sit-action in the hall of the Ministry of Health. With protest signs she drew attention to the waiting lists within mental health care for patients with complex psychiatric disorders.

As a result of its action, according to Bouwman, society is now paying attention to the problem. “People have gained more understanding. Even the coalition parties now want a plan for more supply in specialist mental healthcare.” She also receives messages from other patients with complex psychological problems. “They dare to stand up for themselves.”

Mental health care in election program

However, as far as she is concerned, the problems within mental health care have not been resolved. Because there is “not much more to get” from State Secretary Blokhuis of Public Health, she focuses on the upcoming elections. “We urge parties to include mental health care in their program.”

Bouwman also drafted the ‘Manifesto for better youth care and mental healthcare’ together with others and opened the website Lijm de Zorg. The petition has now been signed more than 70,000 times.

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