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GGDs want to vaccinate in schools because of low vaccination coverage among teenagers | Inland

A number of GGDs are discussing with secondary schools in their region whether schools can be vaccinated or provided information from next school year, writes. De Volkskrant. For example, they want to boost the vaccination rate among 12 to 18 year olds. So far, only 43 percent of this age group has had their first shot.

The GGDs are concerned about possible virus outbreaks in schools if the vaccination rate among underage teenagers does not increase. GGD Hollands Noorden is in talks with secondary schools. The question is whether they are open to vaccination in schools. GGD Amsterdam discusses with schools whether employees can come and provide information. At other GGDs, such as in Drenthe and Utrecht, no concrete actions have yet been taken. The teenagers are ‘on the agenda’.

“We know that some GGDs in their region are developing initiatives in collaboration with schools for vaccination of this age group,” says a spokesperson for the umbrella organization GGD GHOR. In addition, the spokesperson explicitly says that information is also provided in all cases: “It is very clear: GGDs do not exert pressure to have you vaccinated, nothing is mandatory.”

Low vaccination rate

The vaccination rate is lagging behind among 12 to 18-year-olds, the GGD umbrella organization notes. The teens join other groups with relatively low vaccination coverage, such as those living in deprived neighborhoods and the Bible Belt.

Underage teenagers have been invited for a vaccination from 2 July, but unlike other age groups, the group does not immediately register en masse for a shot. The RIVM is not concerned about this for the time being. “It is vacation time, we are not drawing any conclusions yet,” said a spokesperson. The sense of urgency would be less among teenagers, because they get sick less often from corona. “Our goal and also our expectation is that the percentage of vaccinated teenagers will increase significantly.”

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