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GGD Groningen: “43% of the people from Groningen have had their first injection”

GGD Groningen: “43% of the people from Groningen have had their first injection”

Roden – The vaccination campaign has gained momentum. The GGD Groningen has announced that 43% of Groningen residents have had their first shot, 24% have been fully vaccinated.

In the past week, 40,212 vaccinations were administered. “We are currently vaccinating people born in or before 1955, people born in 1961 up to and including 2003, people who fall into the medical risk group, healthcare staff, the homeless, women in women’s shelters, sex workers and young people with a medical indication. Since the start of the vaccination campaign, 359,836 people have been vaccinated in Groningen. These are both first and second shots.

Since last Wednesday, 105 new infections have been added in Groningen. “The number of infections in our region continues to fall and the infection rate in our region is now at 18 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. This is below the national average of 33 per 100,000 inhabitants. The scaling level of our region with this infection rate and 3 hospital admissions per 1,000,000 inhabitants is now vigilant.” Since the start of the epidemic, 37,942 people have been diagnosed with an infection.

Significant increase in infections in group 15-19 year olds
Compared to last week, significant shifts can be seen in the age distribution where new infections are detected. In the group from 0 to 14 years, the infection rate is 11%. Last week it was still 20%. In the group 15 to 19 years this is 29%, last week this was still 12%. In the category 20 to 29 years at 18%, last week 13%. In the age group 30 to 65 years this is 38%, last week 53% and in the group older than 65 it is 3%.

Most new infections were detected last week in the municipality of Westerwolde. In the past 7 days, there were 70 new cases per 100,000 inhabitants. According to the GGD, this relatively high figure can be explained by the intensive testing policy for incoming asylum seekers in Ter Apel. In the municipality of Veendam, there were 37 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants last week, Het Hogeland 27, Groningen 16 and Midden-Groningen 15.

In the past week, 5,170 people were tested for the corona virus in the province. Of them, 78 received a positive test result, which amounts to 1.5%. The number of tests taken fell further in week 24. In the previous week there were still 7,369 tests. There has also been a decline in the number of tests taken nationally in recent weeks.

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