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GGD files a report against conspiracy thinkers who threaten employees

“The safety of our employees should not be compromised in any way,” says Nicolette Rigter of the GGD. “Our people have been committed to fighting the coronavirus for months. They deserve respect and appreciation instead of being hunted and intimidated by conspiracy theorists.”

Chat group The Batavian Republic has about 7000 members. The Telegram group was set up by the Red Pill Journal, the platform of conspiracy theorists Micha Kat, Wouter Raatgever and Joost Knevel. They believe in conspiracy theories about pedo networks.

incendiary videos

Raatgever was sentenced last week to nine months in prison, three of which were suspended, for making incendiary threatening videos. These are aimed at, among others, the municipality of Bodegraven-Reeuwijk, the lawyer of the municipality and RIVM director Jaap van Dissel. Raatgever was arrested at the beginning of June in Siddeburen, on his girlfriend’s farm. Kat and Knevel are staying abroad and have not been arrested.

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