Home » today » Entertainment » Gf Vip, Rosalinda Cannavò has her say on Nicolò Zenga’s wedding

Gf Vip, Rosalinda Cannavò has her say on Nicolò Zenga’s wedding

Beautiful rose Cannavò e Andrea Zeng have ended up at the center of gossip in the last few days, because of theirs mysterious absence at the marriage of the latter’s brother, Nicolò Zeng.

Andrea e Beautiful rose they met within the Home of the Big Brother Vip, of the last edition. Between two the spark immediately struck, who had pushed the gieffina not to care about the presence outside the reality show of her historical boyfriend, Giuliano Condorelli. Since, Zeng and the Cannavò they no longer separated.

The couple wanted to formalize the relationship also through presentations to their respective families. Although, having tied himself in the spotlight 24/7, there was very little to discover. The two said they were very close at that point, but above all, linked by a great feeling surrounded by the whole family context.

Lately, however, something strange hasn’t gone unnoticed by the couple’s fans and followers. In fact, it would appear that both were absent from the wedding of Nicolò, brother of Andrea. To seek a concrete answer to the question was Gabriele Parpiglia. The journalist, during Gossip goodies asked a direct question to Rosalinda Cannavò, host of the format. The former gieffina found herself a bit displaced by the curiosity of Gabriele, to which, however, he firmly replied:

I don’t want to be a protagonist in this situation because it is a family matter that concerns my partner’s family that I respect. And it is precisely because I respect the situation and my partner who I love … I prefer to stay out of this situation that does not concern me and I do not want to express myself because it is the right thing to do because I am not the one directly interested and not even the protagonist. The only answer I can give to this gossip is this.

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