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GF Vip, Patrizia De Blanck shock: “You can’t give a whore to Salemi”

Written by Alessio Cimino, on November 30, 2020, in Big Brother

Patrizia De Blanck blurts out to Big Brother Vip: “You can’t give a whore to Salemi”

There’s just been a very tough fight between Elisabetta Gregoraci and Giulia Salemi at GF Vip. In fact, the two showed also tonight that they have old rusts to resolve. After this question and answer Signorini sent the advertisement. And once back in the studio, the host revealed that it’s not easy to conduct with Patrizia De Blanck nearby: “We just needed to have the Countess here in the front row … No oh well …” At that point the latter took the floor and attacked Myriam Catania, asserting without mincing words the following:

“This Myriam comes and says to me: ‘You can’t call Salemi a whore …’ But who ever said that? I never said such a thing … “

And of course Alfonso Signorini rolled his eyes: “But for heaven’s sake …”

GF Vip, Patrizia De Blanck on Giulia Salemi: “I said she was courting Briatore”

Patrizia De Blanck however it seems to be really a river in flood. And after making this shocking statement, he revealed the following about Giulia Salemi at Big Brother Vip:

“I only said that Salemi flirted with Flavio Briatore a bit, who didn’t run away at all … And that’s it …”

And Alfonso Signorini, evidently embarrassed by all this truly surreal situation that arose in the study of GF VIP, he limited himself to saying: “Well … God forbid …”

Patrizia De Blanck against Myriam Catania: it is a clash in the study of Big Brother Vip

Patrizia De Blanck he then concluded his surreal speech at GF Vip attacking hard Myriam Catania, guilty of having put words in her mouth that it seems she would never have said about Giulia Salemi:

“And this behind me that tells me so … But she is a fool … But shut up … You idiot! This is crazy … Absurd … I’m in a den of fools … “

Obviously Alfonso Signorini tried to appease in some way Patrizia De Blanck, on which Jonathan made a revelation to Detto Done. However, the woman appeared to be really furious.

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