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GF Vip, Gregoraci to Pretelli: “We don’t have a flirt, I’m in love outside the House”

Elisabetta Gregoraci surprises everyone once again and reveals that she is in love outside the Casa del GF Vip. The showgirl has lived a long love affair with Flavio Briatore from which he had his son Nathan. During the reality show there was often talk of a possible flirtation with Pierpaolo Pretelli, with which the agreement has been very strong since the first entry into the Cinecittà loft.

The former velino of Strip the News did not hide the attraction towards Gregoraci, but the presenter has always denied the possibility of a love story, while confirming the strong feeling. The explanation for his behavior could come from a statement made during an evening in the garden. While all the gieffini chatted and joked, Pierpaolo he tried to hug Elizabeth, but she firmly rejected the model. “Do not hug me that then from home they think we are flirting – he said -. We don’t have any flirtations, I’m in love outside the house. Here, I dropped the bomb ”.

The presenter has not then clarified his sentence, which perhaps will be discussed in the next episodes of GF Vip. After divorce from Flavio Briatore, Gregoraci lived a love thwarted with Francesco Bettuzzi. A relationship that, as he himself told Live – It’s not D’Urso, lasted three years between ups and downs. The showgirl has always protected her private and has chosen to create a good relationship with Briatore, despite the farewell, for the sake of Nathan Falco.

In the last episode of GF Vip, the entrepreneur had sent a letter to his ex-wife, to clarify the situation after a long-distance confrontation that had left the showgirl very tried. “Some of your statements, inevitably, have hurt me a lot, but it will be appropriate to talk about them in private as we have always done – explained Briatore -. Bringing the private into public, knowing your and my privacy, does not belong to us. Let’s live the beautiful moments we lived and I thank you for the words with which you described me in the confessional when I saw the real Eli. […] Together we have realized that dream of a son that we have realized: our Nathan Falco, who on the one hand is calm and is well and greets you, on the other you know well that he watches you from home! Together we must protect it and at the same time we must cultivate the good for our family that cannot and must not be broken by TV or your work. We live, respecting ourselves. I wish you to be happy. I love you. I will continue to love you ”.

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