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GF now hygiene at home is really a problem, the director censors but everything is understandable: “Now they really close them”

In the house of Big Brother everything happens at lunchtime, the direction tried to censor but it was immediately understood.

The house of Big Brother was invaded by worry and tension, transforming a quiet day into an episode full of suspense and fear.

GF censors the director, but you can see everything: the conditions of the house – Istitutonervilentini.it

The protagonists of this unexpected event, Amanda Lecciso and Jessica Morlacchi, immediately alerted the other contestants after spotting something unusual inside the house. Their confession triggered a wave of concern among the participants, who began searching for the mysterious intruder.

Big Brotherthe director censored but the competitors revealed everything

The tension skyrocketed when Mariavittoria confirmed her companions’ fears, stating that she too had seen “something running” through the house. The silence that followed these words was broken by Amanda Lecciso, which revealed the identity of the intruder: a mouse. This revelation threw Jessica Morlacchi into a panic, although she urged her companions not to harm the little rodent.

As soon as the name of the unwanted guest was pronounced out loud, the authors of the program decided to intervene with timely censorship. The cameras were quickly moved to other areas of the house to prevent images of the mouse from reaching audiences at home. This gesture on the part of the production did nothing but increase curiosity and apprehension among both competitors and spectators.

GFGF the cameras move but you can see everything – Istitutonervilentini.it

The accident is not an isolated case in the history of Big Brother. In fact, similar episodes with the presence of unwanted animals inside the house had also been reported in previous editions. This raises questions regarding the hygiene conditions and safety of the reality show participants.

Despite the immediate reaction of the director in an attempt to minimize the incident by censoring the images and dialogues relating to the mouse, the conversations between the gieffini made it clear to the spectators what was the main topic of discussion that day within the most spied on house in Italy.

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