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Getting to know the term syndrome, the condition that describes current Covid-19, what’s the difference with a pandemic?

TRIBUNNEWS.COM – Term pandemic Covid-19 is often heard when cases of the Coorna virus still occur in various countries in the world, including Indonesia.

So far there are no signs pandemic Covid-19 is coming to an end.

Moment pandemic Covid-19, various terms have also appeared in the world of health, one of which is the term pandemic.

Later, the term Sindemi appeared. What does sindemi actually mean? Here’s the explanation.

Quoted from Kompas.Com, the transmission of the corona virus that causes the Covid-19 pandemic continues to occur in various parts of the world.

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Kompas.com reported on Friday (13/11/2020), citing data from Worldometers at 5:15 WIB, the corona virus has infected 53,003,790 people worldwide.

Covid-19 has also resulted in the global death of 1,297,476 people, while as many as 36,922,736 people are reported to have recovered from corona virus infection.

Meanwhile, there are five countries that have recorded the highest cases of corona virus infection, namely:

United States: 10,840,868

India: 8,727,900 cases

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