Operational permit for the Majma’al Bahrain Shiddiqiyyah Islamic Boarding School, Jombang, East Java, was revoked by the Ministry of Religion, Thursday (7/7). The revocation of the permit was in the aftermath of an alleged sexual assault case by one of its leaders, namely Moch Subchi Azal Tsani (MTS) alias Bechi (42), against one of the female students at the Islamic boarding school.
In addition, the Islamic boarding school is considered to have obstructed the legal process against Bechi, who is a fugitive from the police.
“As a regulator, the Ministry of Religion has the administrative power to limit the movement of institutions in which it is suspected of committing serious violations of the law,” said Director of Diniyah Education and Islamic Boarding Schools at the Ministry of Religion Waryono in Jakarta.
The Majma’al Bahrain Islamic Boarding School Shiddiqiyyah Ploso is one of hundreds of Islamic boarding schools in Jombang, East Java. This area is indeed known as the ‘City of Santri’ with many Islamic boarding schools scattered throughout the region.
This Islamic boarding school has the popular name ‘Pondok Pesantren Majma’al Bahrain Hubbul Wathan Minal Iman Shiddiqiyyah’. This Islamic boarding school is located on Jalan Raya Ploso Babat, Losari Village, Ploso District, Jombang.
The development of the Majma’al Al Bahrain Shiddiqiyyah Islamic Boarding School is closely related to the teachings of Thoriqoh Shiddiqiyyah. The Shiddiqiyyah Order is one of the schools of Sufism that developed in Indonesia.
This teaching was brought by the ulama from Irbil, then taught by Muchammad Muchtar Mu’thi, the founder of the pesantren since 1959 until now.
The forerunner of the pesantren began with the establishment of the Shiddiqiyyah Education Foundation (YPS) in 1973. This foundation was formed as a formal forum for Thoriqoh Shiddiqiyyah’s activities. Then it was only in 1974 that the pesantren was formally established and known to the wider community.
On the official website of the Ministry of Religion’s Islamic Education Emis, the Majma’al Bahrain Shiddiqiyyah Islamic Boarding School has a statistical number 510335170176. This Islamic boarding school also has an Operational Permit (Ijop) with the number 875/Kk.13.12.5/11/2018.
The main activities at this pesantren are also in the fields of education, socio-religion, and economy. In 1985, the Majma’al Bahrain Shiddiqiyyah Islamic Boarding School pioneered the establishment of a formal educational institution under the name Tarbiyyah Hifdhul Ghulam wal Banat (THGB).
This Islamic boarding school is also known as the teaching of nationalism or love of the homeland. Therefore, this pesantren also includes ‘hubhul wathan minal faith’ or ‘love of the homeland is part of faith’.
In fact, the nationalism curriculum has been implemented since 1985 at THGB. Love of the country education or Hubbul Wathan is one of the 6 main subjects taught at THGB.
The figure of Muchtar Mu’thi
The existence of a pesantren cannot be separated from the charismatic kiai who is the founder or main caregiver of the pesantren.
When talking about the Majma’al Al Bahrain Shiddiqiyyah pesantren, it cannot be separated from the name Muchammad Muchtar Mu’thi as the founder of the pesantren. Mukhtar is also the father of MSAT alias Bechi, who is a suspect in sexual abuse.
Muchtar is the son of a religious figure in the Ploso Jombang area named H Abdul Mu’thi, who is the son of kiai Ahmad Syuhada, the founder of the Kedungturi Islamic Boarding School.
The man who is familiarly called Kiai Tar is also a student of Sheikh Ahmad Syuaib Jamali al-Banteni. He has been known as a murshid or tarekat teacher for the community.
Muchtar was educated at the Darul Ulum Rejoso Islamic Boarding School, and the Bahrul Ulum Islamic Boarding School Tambakberas Jombang, when he was a teenager.
He is also known to have depth in Islamic religious knowledge. He also mastered a number of books ranging from the science of fiqh, hadith science, Arabic grammar, to the science of interpretation.
Meanwhile, Bechi has been detained by police after turning himself in on Thursday night. Previously, the police surrounded the boarding school and searched for the suspect for about 15 hours.