Friday, 10 February 2023 – 18:10 WIB
LIVE Techno – The large eye-shaped circle in the middle of the Sahara Desert, Mauritania has been a fascination for scientists for decades.
Because of its eye-like shape, the geological formation is named The Eye of Sahara or “Eye of the Sahara” and has a diameter of 40 kilometers. Quoted from IFL Science, “Eye of the Sahara” was first photographed by Gemini astronauts in 1960 as a landmark.
What is the Eye of the Sahara?
Sahara desert desert
Geologists initially believed the “Eye of the Sahara,” or the Richat Structure, to be a huge impact crater.
However, further studies into the sedimentary rocks that form the central dome have further dated the formation back to the late Proterozoic, between 1 billion to 542 million years ago.