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Getting to know Nauru, the richest country in the world, poor because of extravagance


Many count one country it must have a large land and sea area. While there are a number of countries in this world that have a very small area, you know.

With more than 194 countries in the world and most of the countries having a large land area, in fact there are very small countries. Also quite small compared to cities in other countries.

Call it the Republic of Nauru, an island nation located in the southwestern Pacific Ocean. Even so small this country does not have a capital.


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Quoted by detikTravelLocated just 25 miles south of the equator, Nauru is a raised coral island in the southwestern Pacific Ocean. It covers only about 12 square miles (21 sq km) and has a population of around 12,000 to 13,000 people.

But make no mistake, however small, this country was once the richest country in the world. Chunks of cayenne pepper, perhaps this is the right expression to pin on Nauru.

In the 1970s, Nauru was a rich country profiting from its phosphate reserves. Phosphate deposits were found in almost all of Nauru at that time.

These minerals are a key component of the fertilizer industry, which greatly helps the country’s economy. In 1975, Nauru also had an income of around $ 2.5 billion.

Thanks to this, the government and the people of Nauru had time to live a life of luxury and were too extravagant for their budget. So rich, Nauru imposes no taxes on its residents. Government-provided housing costs only USD 5 per month.

Nauru it also provides all health services free of charge. If there are any residents who need special medical care, the Nauruan government will take them to Australia. Outstanding students will also be funded for schools in Australia.

Government-run phosphate mines are expansive. Due to the size, the settlements of the population are increasingly marginalized due to the mine. The open mining area turns the earth into holes to form sharp teeth.

Due to massive mining, Nauru has to feel the effects of the kiln. This kiln effect caused a prolonged drought on Nauru.

The Nauruan government has scrambled to generate blocked revenues from phosphate mining. In 1992 Nauru invested, but was duped and lost up to $ 30 million.

A year after the investment scam, one of the previous government’s financial advisors offered an investment in show form. The former councilor is the crew of a British pop band.

The former adviser convinced the government to pay for a musical called Leonardo the Musical: A Portrait of Love.

The show premiered in London in June 1993. However, the show was criticized for being verbose and boring. In fact, the audience went home before the show ended.

The show schedule was also canceled a few weeks later. Unfortunately, the profit cannot be denied, Nauru has to lose around $ 7 million on this investment.

Like falling off a ladder, Nauru was once again unlucky. Another financial advisor was found for embezzlement of approximately $ 60 million. Now Nauru is heavily dependent on aid from other countries. As a neighboring country, Australia makes good use of it.

Now Nauru has become a refuge for refugees before entering Australia. Since that assignment, Nauru has earned around $ 10 million in recent years.

This, Nauru being one of the poorest countries in the world. But this does not mean that Nauru has nothing. At least Nauru has winning tourism potential. The sand of the beach is white, the coral reefs are very beautiful.

(fdl / fdl)

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