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Getting Ready The Government will Give Credit Without Interest for Households, Interested?

Illustras: salary rupiah (Source: Shutterstock / Kompas.com)

JAKARTA, COMPASS TV – The government will not stop giving stimulus amid the corona virus pandemic Covid-19 in the form of social assistance (Bansos) to society.

After deciding to provide additional salaries to private employees earning under Rp 5 million in the amount of Rp 600,000 for 4 months, this time the government plans to provide interest-free credit to the family alias family.

“There will be a loan scheme for households without interest. Currently being prepared,” said the Special Staff of the Minister of Finance for Strategic Communications, Yustinus Prastowo in a webinar event on Thursday (6/8/2020).

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However, Justin did not explain further the matter of social assistance in the form of interest-free credit for the household. He only said that the assistance was being prepared by the government.

The aim, he said, was to increase people’s purchasing power amid the economic downturn due to the corona virus outbreak.

“(Credit without interest) is given so that people are helped and feel cared for,” said Justin.

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