Home » today » World » Getting lost in the opposition – 2024-08-06 21:03:06

Getting lost in the opposition – 2024-08-06 21:03:06

/ world today news/ In the autumn of last year, it seemed that the BSP had found the weak point of the government. She managed to blow up the facts surrounding the cousin appointments in Haskovo, the Turkish border fence, culminating in the forced resignation of Dimitar Glavchev.

And here the socialists seem to have been frightened by their own success and have given up their harsh rhetoric towards GERB and Boyko Borisov. There can be four objective reasons for this behavior of theirs:

– Sociological agencies did not report a change in electoral sentiments, which cast doubt on the effectiveness of its opposition efforts;

– Which probably prompted her to look for new approaches and strategies;

– GERB went on the offensive themselves, playing the card with the change of the Constitution on the statute of limitations for privatization transactions, concentrating on the case of “Technoimpex”;

– The approach of the New Year’s holidays and the beginning of the European Presidency were perceived as an unfortunate period for the domestic political debate to heat up.

Each of the above points may contain a great deal of rationality, but in their entirety they are practical

killed the political momentum of the BSP.

The initiative was lost, and this is a key factor in public life. To impose society’s agenda, in our country, means to model/manipulate people’s political preferences.

Of course, the process is not direct and speedy, and if the BSP relied on a lightning reversal of moods, they naturally lied to themselves. But the permanent anti-corruption speech against GERB and making sharp personal accusations against Boyko Borisov is the easiest way to overthrow the current government.

The strength of the “Borisov 3” cabinet does not lie in its parliamentary majority.

Its fate is in the hands of public sentiment. If they are permanently channeled against the government, Borisov will not have the courage to remain in his post. He resigned his first two cabinets, not because he lost parliamentary support, but because he was frightened by the swirling public discontent against his rule.

In this sense, the purpose of the vote of no confidence is not to push the government, but to discredit it. But the presence of synchronicity between the political actions of the opposition and the foci of public attention is required. And the BSP clearly does not consider this fact.

The corruption scandals surrounding the fence with Turkey and Delyan Dobrev died down a long time ago, and only now will the vote of no confidence be held. Naturally, the reverberation will be minimal. In the name of negotiating with the DPS and systematizing the necessary information, the most valuable quality of the vote – the context in which it is held – was imperceptibly sacrificed.

Moreover, by postponing the vote of no confidence on corruption, the BSP lost the opportunity to ask for another vote in December – on the issue of medicines. And a third vote today – for crime.

On the other hand, it is not clear why the socialists want to attract the DPS. With them or without them, the cabinet still cannot be overthrown. The BSP has an interest in positioning itself as the only parliamentary opposition and, more than that, in pushing the DPS to move closer to GERB.

Apart from the loss of pace,

BSP got lost in its political goals.

Kornelia Ninova clearly has not yet managed to master the party, because the scandal with “Technoimpex” reflects in her own ranks more strongly than in the society as a whole. Which seemed to undermine her own confidence.

GERB’s counter-scandal could have been easily played out. The most intelligent approach was to seek the opinion of the Venice Commission, which would almost certainly be negative. It was also possible to act on the principle “If it’s going to be garga, it should be shaggy”. When the question of the abolition of the statute of limitations is raised at all. Still, murderers and thieves should not enjoy greater protection than privatizers.

It was also possible to simply support the GERB initiative. If Kornelia Ninova were brought to justice, it would turn her into the eyes of the majority of society as an innocent victim of political persecution. Precisely because of her actions directed against the spectacular corruption of today’s government.
And today there was a tie. The BSP stopped its attacks on the cabinet, and the Gerbers dropped the topic of “Technoimpex”.

The feeling of involuntary agreement between the authorities and the opposition was created.

Which spells out the entire successful autumn political season of the socialists.

Of course, the government of GERB and the patriots is so corrupt and incompetent that it will constantly give reasons for public dissatisfaction. And the question is whether the BSP will learn to play not only correctly, but also quickly the current situations, or will it prefer a more risk-free approach. Who can lull her back to the lethargy of Mikhail Mikov’s time.

#lost #opposition

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