Home » News » Getting into Character: The Success of Kathrine Thorborg Johansen’s Portrayal of Gro Harlem Brundtland in “Makta”

Getting into Character: The Success of Kathrine Thorborg Johansen’s Portrayal of Gro Harlem Brundtland in “Makta”

NRK’s ​​TV series “Makta”, which is about the intense power struggles in the Labor Party in the 70s and 80s, has quickly become the autumn’s big talk.

Among scandals, heavy drinking, shenanigans and both more and less successful political turnarounds, there is one in particular who stands out in the drama series – 34-year-old Kathrine Thorborg Johansen.

For the past two years, the actor has worked hard to get into the role of Gro Harlem Brundtland.

Something she has also achieved – if you believe the “mother of the country” herself.

Getting complaints before the premiere

Got a message about “less Gro in monitor”

How does a 34-year-old actor from Nøtterøy outside Tønsberg become one of the most famous politicians in Norwegian history?

To Aftenposten says Johansen that she ordered around 30 books about Gro Harlem Brundtland after she got the role. In addition, there is the study of “unbelievably many hours” of footage of Brundtland in old archives and on YouTube.

Even if the nutlander says so NRK that there is no one like Gro, there are clear similarities. Like the voice. Just like Brundtland, Johansen also has a slightly dark and hoarse voice.

– One of the character traits I like best about both my Gro and the real one is that she is both academically and professionally sound, and at the same time very emotional, says the 34-year-old to NRK.

The professional weight is also reflected by the actor.

She herself got into the almost mythical Theater College on the first attempt, and was nominated for the Hedda prize after only a few years as an actress.

Facts about “Makta”:

Produced by Motlys and Novemberfilm for NRK Series creators are Johan Fasting, Kristin Grue and Silje Storstein Part 1 is about the period 1974-1981 Part 2 is about the year 1981, and will be released in January 2024 Has been praised by the critics, and received a roll of six from both Dagbladet and VG. Our reviewer thinks it is “an as cheeky as it is provocatively funny serial game with a recent past – superbly handled, with few beauty spots.” view more

Now it is her interpretation of Gro Harlem Brundtland that is being praised.

Also by the main character himself.

– I am relieved because it was quite good, and I recognized myself, Brundtland said of the series, when she was a Saturday guest in Dagsrevyen on 4 November.

There was one detail in particular that aroused excitement.

– She has clearly worked on having the same voice as me and it was well done, said Brundtland.

That is not accidental. Johansen says that she worked a lot to find the right expression in her body, face and not least her voice.

In the end, the result was so good that director Yngvil Flikke sometimes had to ask Johansen for “less Gro in the monitor” during recording, writes NRK.

– The same is happening today

– Laughed out loud several times

Political commentator in Dagbladet, Marie Simonsen, is one of many who have been impressed by Kathrine Thorborg Johansen’s interpretation of Gro Harlem Brundtland.

She has also heard rumors that the actor was told to “tone it down a bit”, so that it wouldn’t become a complete parody.

– But she is absolutely amazing. And then there is not least this characteristic voice, which is very straightforward, says Simonsen.

She says that she has laughed out loud several times throughout the series.

– I had high expectations. I heard a lot about the recording and how it should be. But I had no idea it would be so raw and so hysterically funny. That was perhaps the biggest surprise.

2023-11-12 21:41:50

#Absolutely #amazing

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