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– Gets hit by shit

In June last year, Bergen prison asked for permission to remove seagull eggs after inmates experienced the seagulls as threatening, writes Bergens Tidende.

“Both inmates and employees perceive the seagulls as threatening and unpleasant, and we have had several episodes where people are attacked by seagulls,” the prison wrote in a letter to the State Attorney.

As soon as the seagulls have started to build nests, it is forbidden to remove the nests or disturb them in other ways, informs The Norwegian Environment Agency on its website. Removing started nests or eggs is defined as damage felling, and requires permission.

The prison was not allowed to remove the eggs.

– The seagulls are here and getting noticed. Prisoners are awakened early by seagull cries, and employees have had to use umbrellas in the outdoor area. People feel discomfort and are hit by shit, says acting prison manager Ivar S. Jensen to Dagbladet.

GULL: A seagull stands over their heads. Here, Dagbladet has zoomed in on the picture. Photo: Private
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– Hit in the neck

He explains that there are slightly fewer seagulls now than before, but that it is still a problem. Prisoners and employees risk attacks and they are hit by bird droppings, Jensen explains.

The seagulls have made nests near the prison fence, and if anyone moves nearby, the birds take hold.

– I have heard about employees who have been hit in the neck, by shit, he says.

In addition, it presents technical problems for the prison.

– Our system captures the seagulls on camera, which offers security challenges, he says.

As of now, the prison does not have a good solution to the problem, after they were refused to remove the gull eggs.

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Most noisy now

According to the Norwegian Environment Agency, the seagulls make the most noise during the breeding period from May to mid-July. If the seagulls are disturbed, the noise will last longer.

Jensen believes that they are safe and well inside the prison walls, even though he would like to be without the feathered guests.

According to The Norwegian Food Safety Authority Many types of birds can be aggressive, especially during periods when they are protecting their young. But seagulls are not dangerous.

Zoologist Petter Bøckman have previously mentioned the seagull situation as a typical summer phenomenon.

– If the seagulls dive towards you or peck at you, it is because there are young nearby. They protect the kids, he has told Dagbladet.

The Norwegian Environment Agency has the following tips:

If you experience seagulls approaching, try holding one hand in the air. Then they will not dive as close.

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