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Gets 2.2 million for housework

On Tuesday, a Spanish man was sentenced to pay his ex-wife more than 200,000 euros, i.e. more than NOK 2.2 million.

This is compensation for all the housework the woman did for 25 years in the home they shared while he established himself as the owner of a chain of fitness centers.

In addition, the court in Velez-Malaga has also sentenced him to pay the woman, Ivana Moral (48), NOK 5,000 a month.

Their two daughters, aged 20 and 14, are to receive respectively DKK 4,000 and DKK 6,000 a month from him.

– I am pleased. This is well-deserved and fair, says Moral to the Spanish newspaper Daily Nius.

It will be tearful when the participants will receive their first feedback at Kompani Lauritzen. Video: TV 2.
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Hooked in

The couple married in 1995.

Ivana Moral signed a separate property agreement – which would mean he would keep all of his wealth, and all of their joint assets, if they divorced.

In 2020, Moral filed for divorce. She tells the newspaper that she wishes she had divorced earlier.

– The financial and emotional dependence was too great, she explains.

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Hooked in

While he raked in money, Moral and his daughters were left without a penny.

– Me and my daughters had nothing at all, after all these years where I had spent all my time, energy and love on the family, she says to the British newspaper iNews.

While she fixed the house and children, according to Moral, he drove around in luxury cars.

He bought himself a Porche Cayenne, a Range Rover 4×4, BMW motorcycles and an olive oil farm.

The farm has a value of around NOK 40 million.

– I didn’t even get money to buy book paper for my doors, while he bought himself a new motorcycle helmet for NOK 4,000, she claims.

LUXURY: A Porsche Cayenne Turbo GT costs several million kroner.  Photo: Wikimedia Commons

LUXURY: A Porsche Cayenne Turbo GT costs several million kroner. Photo: Wikimedia Commons
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Refused to pay for studies

In court it emerged that when their eldest daughter turned 16, he refused to pay for her studies.

The girl had to start working to afford her studies.

– I never had access to his financial affairs. Everything was in his name, says Ivana Moral.

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– May require payment

She has now been awarded NOK 2.2 million in compensation.

The court has calculated that the sum corresponds to a minimum wage of just over NOK 10,000 a month during the 25 years the couple were married.

– The reason I talk to the press is that I want women to know that we can demand payment for housework when it comes to a separate ownership agreement, she tells iNews.

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In the shadow

Marta Fuentes is Ivana Morals advokat.

She tells iNews that the verdict “represents all the work of women who have been put in the shadows”.

– … and which – without a doubt – year after year form a basic foundation in personal, marital and family matters, so that the ex-husband can promote his own career, and increase his fortune, which was not divided during the divorce settlement, she says.

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Lack of knowledge

The lawyer tells the local newspaper The voice of Galicia that what Ivana Moral experienced is not unique, and that the same can happen to other women.

– There is a lack of knowledge out there, she says.

According to iNews, it is expected that the man will appeal the sentence.

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