Flu viruses circulate mainly in the cold season and cause a wave of flu every winter, the severity of which varies from year to year. The real flu is a serious illness that should not be confused with a cold. Corona infections will also occur more frequently in the winter months. Both flu and corona infections can be serious, lead to hospital treatment and increase the risk of other serious illnesses such as heart disease and stroke. The adapted vaccines against both diseases are now available.
Health representative Beatrix Zurek: “With the onset of the cold season, the number of respiratory infections is rising again. That is why I am appealing to all Munich residents this autumn, especially the elderly, pregnant women and chronically ill people, as well as medical staff and people in facilities with a lot of public traffic: Get vaccinated against flu and corona or booster now in accordance with the recommendations of the Standing Committee on Vaccination (STIKO) – this way, the vaccination protection can build up in good time. Both vaccinations can be administered at the same time. With a vaccination, you protect yourself and others from potentially dangerous diseases. And remember: The well-known basic measures against COVID-19 – distance, hygiene, everyday life with a mask and ventilation – also reduce the risk of becoming infected with flu viruses and other respiratory infections.”
The STIKO recommends both vaccinations for all people aged 60 and over, people of all ages with underlying illnesses and people with increased occupational risks such as medical personnel. Family members in the same household and other close contacts of people at risk are also recommended to be vaccinated in order to protect the people they care for. A flu vaccination is also recommended for pregnant women from the second trimester.
In addition, so-called basic immunization against corona is recommended for all people between the ages of 18 and 59, healthy pregnant women without an underlying disease, and children and adolescents with an underlying disease. This is achieved through three contacts with either the virus itself (disease) or with components of the virus (vaccination). At least one of these contacts should be through vaccination.
When getting vaccinated, you can also take the opportunity to have your vaccination status checked against the other vaccinations recommended by the STIKO. The vaccinations are offered by local doctor’s offices and pharmacies.
For people who are vaccinated in accordance with the STIKO recommendations, the health insurance company covers the costs. Everyone else should ask whether the insurance company will reimburse the vaccination. The Health Department offers information on all questions relating to vaccination through its vaccination advice center at Schwanthalerstrasse 69. This can be reached Monday to Friday from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. on 233-66907. Information on the services offered by the vaccination advice center can be found at www.muenchen.de/impfen. Further information is also available at www.impfen-info.de.