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Get to the tailcoat, account! Amber Heard fired PR tm, vad j e e lid fand Depp

Johnny Depp’s trial in Virginia is one big show. In a good way. The popular actor is in great shape, apparently actually restricting alcohol and giving him an addictive, relaxed way and in the right moments he can’t forgive you with an amused gossip.

Another time, he rebukes the guilty murderer that the only person who killed during his alcohol escapes was him.

And the video and audio recordings that were supposed to be in Amber Heard’s defense do not really show anything other than that Depp was in the mood and here and there with some talents, but he did not raise his hand to his ex-wife.

Johnny Depp shows a dead man.

So Amber is at least in a hurry for public currency. People mockingly comment on her tragic murder or the way he dresses. Some of them think that they are trying to dig Johnny outfits for some reason.

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