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Get to Know Various Types of Comets, Celestial Bodies with Beautiful Tails

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Get to know various types of comets, celestial bodies with beautiful tails. (PIXABAY/ELG21)

Bobo.id – In this universe there are many celestial objects that circulate in outer space, one of which is a comet.

Comets are celestial bodies that humans can see and observe, and can even enter Earth’s atmosphere.

This time, we will learn about comets as celestial bodies which apparently also have many different types.

Definition of Comet

Comets are small celestial bodies consisting of ice, dust and gas.

These celestial bodies usually have very long orbits around the sun and can be seen from Earth as they approach the sun

In addition, comets also emit gas and dust that form a long tail that looks spectacular.

Do you know where comets form? Comets formed at the edge of the solar system and are believed to be leftovers from the formation of the solar system.

Until now, comets are still a celestial object that continues to be observed and studied by astronomers and scientists, lo.

To get to know this one celestial body, friends can understand some of the characteristics of comets.

Characteristics of Comets

There are several things that can be observed from comets and are the characteristics of this celestial body.

The first is the comet’s tail that will be visible as it approaches the Sun.

Also read: Explanation of Celestial Objects, from the Sun to the Stars

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