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Get to know the Total Lunar Eclipse, the Process of Occurring to the Impacts Caused

photo/2022/10/25/gerhana-matahari-parsial-25-okto-20221025120818.jpg?resize=360%2C240&ssl=1" alt="Mengenal proses terjadinya gerhana bulan yang menyebabkan pasang surut air laut terjadi."/>

Get to know the process of the occurrence of a lunar eclipse that causes tides to occur. (PIXABAY/Buddy_Nath)

Bobo.id – In nature where we live there are many natural phenomena, one of which is the lunar eclipse.

The lunar eclipse is a natural phenomenon that occurs in the sky which will also have an impact on the earth.

This time, we will get to know the process of a total lunar eclipse and the impact it has.

First, let’s get to know the process of this one universe phenomenon, come on!

The Process of a Total Lunar Eclipse

The moon is a celestial body that moves in an orbit around the earth.

But at the same time, the earth is also moving around the sun which is the center of the universe.

The movement of the moon on the earth and the earth on the sun over time will form a straight line position.

The earth can move and be between the sun and the moon, which is then known as a lunar eclipse.

In this position, the earth will block the sunlight that is normally received and reflected by the moon.

So that in a few moments, the moon will be in the shadow of the earth and is called a total lunar eclipse.

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