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Get to know the priorities of Latino voters in North Carolina

The Latino community’s vote in the upcoming presidential elections has a growing and decisive powerespecially in states like North Carolina, where 40% of Latinos are eligible to voteFor this reason, the nonpartisan organization UnidosUS conducted a survey to find out what issues motivate the Latino community to go out and vote.

For UnidosUS survey 3,000 Latinos were interviewed to obtain detailed information about their prioritiesOne-tenth of those interviewed said they were from North Carolina.

These are the priorities for Latino voters in North Carolina

  1. Inflation.
  2. Job security.
  3. Housing costs: Renting and buying.
  4. Access to medical care.
  5. Immigration.

Inflation, the main concern of Latinos

59% of Latino voters in the state said they Inflation and the rising cost of living is one of the crucial issues that drives them to go out and vote..

These results are consistent with those of Latinos across the country, they continue to be dominated by economic concerns… We hear a lot about that, food and basic needs are the main concern.“said Gary Segura, Co-Founder of BSP Research.

Job instability predominates in the priorities

In polls, Latinos could select more than one option regarding the concerns that mark your electoral agenda. 41% said that one of these priorities is employment.

Besides, 82% of Latinos surveyed in North Carolina said they want an increase pay for people who work at minimum wage, whether or not they earn tips.

“Latinos are frustrated and focused on the cost of living”

Housing and its high cost is the third priority for Latinos when voting. It was selected by one in three respondents.

This used to be something unique to people in California. But in fact, concerns about housing, and in particular the cost of owning a home, has become a huge concern for Latinos across the countryincluding North Carolina“said the Co-Founder of BSP Research.

For his part, Irving Savaleta, director of the nonpartisan organization Mi Familia Vota in North Carolina, added: “Latinos are frustrated and focused on the cost of living, housing, rent, food and basic needs. It’s something we hear from our community And we also hear that immigration remains one of the issues of great interest to Latino voters.”.

Savaleta was one of the invited panelists during the presentation of the results of the 2024 Pre-Election Surveywhich took place on Thursday, September 12. In this panel, also participated Pilar Rocha-Goldberg, director of El Centro Hispano, and Clarissa Martínez de Castro, vice president of the Latino Vote Initiative, UnidosUS.

Health care costs: a growing problem for Latinos

The fourth reason for Latinos in North Carolina to go out and vote, chosen by 27% of those surveyed, is because the costs of medical care and medicines.

Which We see that there are still large gaps in terms of a culturally responsive health system.that not only serves the population in the language they best communicate about their health, but a system that understands the unique barriers that demographic population faces to improving health and well-being.“said the director of El Centro Hispano.

He added: “It is clear that further changes are needed at a systemic level to access quality and equitable care and treatment, and The electorate will continue to demand this as a priority”.

Immigration and border security: what did Latinos say?

Fifth, the results of the survey on the reasons for going out to vote were even among the migration concerns (21 %) y crime and armed violence (23 %).

Latinos are primarily concerned more due to armed violence than street crime… Regarding immigration, we asked all respondents their opinions and strongly favor a path to citizenshipfor both dreamers and long-term undocumented residents“said the Co-Founder of BSP Research.

Among Latino voters’ immigration-related priorities, The issue of border security was secondaryThey selected that border enforcement should be applied to crack down on human and drug traffickers.

There is minimal support for any aggressive deportation plan”, the results reveal.

Earlier this week, the North Carolina legislature passed HB-10, a bill that will require sheriff’s departments to cooperate with ICE… This issue, as well as immigration, has been one of the main reasons why especially young Latinos in the state are registering to vote.“, commented the director of My Family Votes.

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