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Get to know the initiative with which they seek to protect the community from violence and crime in New York | Videos | Univision 41 New York WXTV

it’s something we can’tanticipate.jonathan: to preventThese types of attacks happen.an organization in brooklynhas the mission of protectingcommunity.hope: gary merson ustell who they are, howthey work and how can werequest your help.gary: we do the searchfrom the group on instagram.has a link that takes you torequest that accompanimentpart of the volunteers.you can put your nameelectronic.the date of the request inwho wants the accompanimentthe time where you would like thatpick it up.besides your destiny. well somethinglong as they could know,can you mention the clotheswould be wearing.I sent a request andWe are waiting for a volunteer.dante.what is the first thing they doto be able to identify them?the first step, I will haveThese traps are usually readbefore the person.we have a definite time inthat the person is going to send usbefore doing.gary: hundreds of volunteersthat before the increase inviolence, no matter what timeor the sector, accompany you froma train or bus stop tothe house, to a public appointment orif we get closer to thiscorner and it’s dark, they don’t knowwhat’s behind, how can wereact.are there any techniquesdominate and that the person who goeswalking in the street right?when we talk to peoplewe say we have to keepplease don’t look at the phone.gary: is there any sign thatcan you give me when they enlist youreact together with you?the truth is that usuallycalm must be keeped.we found these dangers,We take the police.gary: maybe more than oneperson accompanying a passenger?We usually ask thepersonas, three or ace.gary: where does theinitiative, when the populationask this to the authorities?why a group like youinspire that confidence?something was missing in the city andin the neighborhoods, because peopleI didn’t want to depend ondoing much to protect them.g this free service, youyou must volunteer and donate yourtime to protect othersattending the same page

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